The Date Deal

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Jungkook who witnessed everything, stayed behind to hear them laugh and talk, which made him smile. Problem solved. But before he would leave, he wanted to make sure his hyung was alright so he peeked inside, which made him regret. He saw a girl on the infirmary bed, laughing in a cute and gentle manner, the manner which he liked. He saw the girl stopped laughing and glanced his way so he quickly ducked behind the wall. B-bmp B-bmp. "What is this?", Jungkook whispered to himself, blushing a bit while listening his own heart beat in a fast pace...


The next day...

"Yah Jiho yah!!", Seolhyun yelled. "Wake up!" After the incident that happened yesterday, the girls were given a 5 day rest to recover. " we really need to go?", Jiho asked. Her head was still pounding as she drank down her medicine. It have been 15 hours, 10 minutes and 39 seconds from the continued stares that she got from the infirmary. And honestly? She wasn't eager to go back.

"Oh come on. What's the worst thing that could happen?", Seolhyun asked, chuckling a bit.

Time lapse, lunch time

"You were saying?",Jiho asked without humour. After Seolhyun finally convinced Jiho to come out of their dorms, they walked into the locker infested hallway. As they were joking and laughing at each other's jokes, they encountered Ara's friends. As they passed by, there were jocks trailing beside them, drooling at them.

Seolhyun and Jiho zipped past by them, knowing they would do something cliched like asking the jocks to help them what so ever. You know, the usual drama queen business.

And just as expected, the girls made their disgusting puppy eyes and asked them to "rough them up" so the jocks complied, cornering them in a corner of.the lockers.

Seolhyun gulped and laughed a little nervously. "Oops?" Jiho sighed. She glared at them. "Oh~ girl got some fire?", the jocks teased. Jiho's complection darkened, a ticked off smile on her porcelain face. "Yep",she said as she went near them. She stopped right in front of Marcus, the leader of the American football team and kicked hard on his shin.

He immediately winced and was on his knees. Jiho smirked, and turned to look at the others. "Any other challengers?", she asked while looking for any dirt under her fingernails. The others gulped, slowly backing away. "Good. Now leave us alone. Unless you want that to happen.", she threatened as she pointed as Marcus' body, soul seeping from his body.

She neared Seolhyun, grinning ear to ear. She high fived her, grinning back. "Good work there girl!", Seolhyun laughed as they got out of the scene. As they got farther away from there, one jock gritted his teeth. How dare she mock the American football team? He silently approached her, getting ready his punch.

He would've succeeded if it wasn't for Seolhyun's watchful eye. As he was the second to punch Jiho, Seolhyun intercepted him, giving him the hardest and loudest slap ever known to man. He stumbled back and fell down. Seolhyun glared at him. "Don't you dare touch my friends. And there's more where that came hon.", she said sweetly, venom evident in her voice.

He shuddered, as he nodded rigorously. Seolhyun, satisfied by his reaction, jogged to Jiho's side, laughing. The rest were staring at them with either shock or awe or both. They had never witnessed them be so sassy, at the sane time badass. Time to update their info.

Meanwhile outside, Jungkook clutched his hand to his heart. She looked cute, specially with her being sassy. Realizing what he just thought, he slapped himself. Not the time to think such things, he thought. As he walked away, he heard a cute laughter. He neared to the noise, realizing it was Jiho and Seolhyun grinning and laughing. Jungkook clenched his fists before retreating back to his school...

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