Diary Enty 1:
Hide me away. Close my eyes. Shut out the sound. Let me sleep. It's all too real. It's wrong. It's not part of me. I can't be part of this world. My mind is the only home for me and fortunately or unfortunately, no one can take that from me. So stop the distractions. Rob me of my senses. Let me lay in my peace. I refuse to reason. I will not aknowledge my sins. It hurts too much. Just let me live in my fantasy. The monster that had taken over my heart moved to my body. It does terrible things but I'm free. This is all there is for me. I have no choice.
HorrorThis story centers around Knives, a sadistic killer. Throughout the "episodes" in this book, Knives often contemplates the nature of reality and what sort of meaning it should hold for him. Due to the influence of a voice in his head called Night, K...