Diary Entry 2

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Diary Entry 2:

Remember the monster I mentioned? Well, I'd been thinking about that. I came across another thought: What if I am that monster? Who's to say it's not me? It's certainly part of me. And what is a person, essentially? A mass of deeds? Thought? Memories? These make up their "personality". So what am I? I suppose I still have the remains of some mental human instinct. I feel the need to pretend that I'm not...that. But this monster...it's infiltrated all of them. My actions, my thoughts, my memories... My monster is part of all of them. I don't know what I am. I don't know how I would react. I don't know anything anymore. Did I ever, really? The questions, the confusion, it disappears for awhile. But it never really goes away. This will keep happening. I can't escape it...unless I escape myself.


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