Cupcakes and Confusion

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I woke up around 9. My flight was at 4:30, and I didn't really know how early I should be, so 1 would probably work. I checked my phone and no word from Jade, I was kind of worried but then I wasn't, because she should be out there where she's always wanted to be, with her band and her crush. So good for her. I yawned, and then I heard a knock on my door. I looked to the door and I put the do not disturb sign out. I stayed in the bed, but then the knocking started again. I got up and me being barely 5 feet, couldn't see the eye hole, so I opened the door hoping someone wasn't here to shoot me.

I opened the door and there stood two guys. One looking sleepy and one looking cute as hell holding a box.

"Riker? Ryland? What the hell are you guys doing here, and how did you find me?" I asked in a sleepy voice. I was really confused and thought I was still dreaming for a second.

"We have our ways." Ryland laughed.

"Well, I heard you didn't stay very long, and you didn't feel good last night. You did tell us where you were staying you know, so I got this room number. No one else wanted to get up and everyone loves cupcakes so this is for you!" He handed me the box and I opened it. It was an Oreo cupcake. There was a giant Oreo in the middle, and it looked delicious.

I let out a quiet giggle and smiled. "You guys are too sweet, thank you."

"No problem! Hope you feel better than you did, and have a safe flight home. You don't have to be afraid to text any of us for anything. We'll definitely see you in Toronto a week before." Riker smiled and my heart was feeling very odd.

I set the box down on the counter in the room and I gave him a hug. He was warm, and he smelled like cologne and it was almost a heavenly smell. I didn't want to let go, but of course I had to.

"Bye you two, thank you both again." I said and they both waved bye. I shut the room door and leaned against the back, facing the window.

I didn't know what to think. Last night he was making out with a girl, and this morning he's giving me a cupcake looking so cute. I felt bad that he believed the lie, but once I saw that happening I really didn't feel good. What if it's like sorry I made out with her cupcake? Nah. I took a bite of the cupcake, it was so good, and I wondered if he knew I liked cookies and cream, but then again who doesn't like it.


After a long two hours of finding my bags and subway hopping. I was finally back at the apartment. I grabbed the mail out of our box and crashed on the couch. It was really weird not having Jade here with me. She's always not far from the apartment or in it, but not on the other side of the country. I fell asleep and woke up a couple hours later, with my phone ringing.

"KAYLA" Jade was yelling.

"Woah hi there." I said

"You have to come get me or something."

"What?" She wasn't supposed to come for a couple of days.

"My bags are coming in an hour and we gotta talk about things."

"Okay but did you realize that we're talking on the phone, and I'm not going back there, and why are you back so soon?" I asked.

"I told them my friend needed me she's having a crisis." I almost cried, well that's what it felt like...

An hour later, she was back and I ran to hug her.

"Why did you leave LA for me though? Do you not remember how that's your dream?!" I wanted to yell at her, but the fact she came back for me...

"We had our meetings, and they understood. Ashton is a freaking God let me tell you." She laughed. "Okay tell me what's going on."

We ordered pizza, and we were sitting on the couch talking.

"He sounds very, nice?" She took a bite into her food.

"He's so nice. He brought me a cupcake for no reason. But why would he be flirty if he's got a girl?" I asked looking down.

"Maybe he's tired of her?"

"I doubt it the way they were on each other, disgusting."

"Well Ashton was flirty, but he's single. So I really don't know."

I set my plate down on the table and sighed, throwing my head back on the pillow.

"Kayla, listen. I think something good is going to happen okay? You have to trust me on this."

"Enough about me, did you get signed?" I asked Jade and she smiled.

"NO WAY!!"I screamed and hugged her.

"They loved me, I can't believe." She said starting to cry.

Well this called for a cute af bff tweet.

@Kaylala: My best friend @Jadenolen got signed today!! I'M SO PROUD!

I was SO proud of her. Her dreams were finally coming true.

"Yeah, but I have to locate to LA 3 weeks before tour." She was excited, but I knew she didn't want to leave the apartment so early.

"All I know is I have to be in Toronto a week before tour so uh." My phone went off and a random number texted me.

"You can tweet about Jade but not about yourself? Do you not use snapchat?" I was so confused.

I clicked snapchat and I saw the band had posted.

It was Riker, Ross and Rydel in a room and I could hear Ross saying that the summer tour was just announced and tickets are on sale next weekend. The next story moment was Riker and the rest of the band behind him.

"Yeah! And we have Kayla as our opening act! Who's signed to our label now!!" They all screamed and the story ended and so did I.

"No way!" Now it was Jades turn to scream and start another hug.

I decided to text the number back, not knowing who it was. I never added their numbers in, so no clue who it was.

"You little shits! Why couldn't you tell me before I left!!!!!" I texted back.

"Well we found out this afternoon. When you come to LA in a couple weeks, there will be a cupcake waiting ;)" It was definitely Riker that's for sure.

Jade took my phone and was giving me a weird grin.

"He likes you girl, can't wait for you to be his arm candy this summer."

I grabbed my phone back and saw she texted him something.

"As long as you're the one handing it to me Riker.;)"

"JADE." I screamed but then it went off

"Who else would it be doll?" I set my phone down and had my head in my hands.

"Trust me, by the middle of this tour, you'll be making out in some hotel in the middle of Tennessee." She laughed and I sat there wondering.

Looks like everything's changing fast. Careers and all. I just wondered what Riker's deal was, and I was too afraid to ask.

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