America x Reader: Need Saving?

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The pain in your abdomen continued to throb. This was the worst period you had ever experienced in your life. The cramping was so unbearable; it was almost impossible to move. Not only was the pain awful, but your emotions were completely out of control, too.

You cried softly as you rolled around on your bed, trying to get comfortable, which was impossible. If only your roommate were here, she would be able to help you. However, you were completely alone, dying from emotional and physical trauma.

Groaning, you rose from the bed. You limped into the bathroom, clutching your core as if you were a wounded solider. After opening the cabinet, your groaning rose to almost a scream; you were out of tampons/pads.

Feeling utterly defeated, you cried harder as you crawled to put on your shoes and prepared to walk to the drug store. Once ready, you tried to find the car keys. With sudden realization, it hit you that you shared the car with (roommate's name), who was currently using it on a business trip. The weeping continued to escalate while you headed for the door.

You finally reached the drug store after what seemed like a millennium of pain and terror. You headed towards the "ladies' section," wiping tears from your cheeks. The experience was only worsened by the horribly enormous amount of people jammed into the puny shop. You were absolutely finished with the entire affair.

After grabbing ten billion packs of every sanitary product known to women-kind (and some of your favorite snacks for good measure), you headed to the check-out line, snorting up the excessive amount of snot flowing from your nose. Honestly, you didn't care that you looked like the personification of a nuclear test site; you merely wanted to go home and lament your existence as a woman as quickly as humanly possible. 

The clerk rung up all your "stuff" and asked boredly, "That'll be (a buttload of money)."

You were slightly shocked by how much it all will cost you. You cringed as you reached into your pocket for your wallet. It wasn't that you couldn't afford it, but you hated to spend money, especially on things like this.

Your eyes grew wide as it hit you like the Hulk smashing into a building: you forgot your wallet. Searching frantically for any stray money, you started to cry. You had absolutely no money. Could this day get any worse?

You were just about to tell the clerk you couldn't pay for it, when a cheerful voice from behind you said, "I'll pay for it!"

You turned around, just about ready to fall down on your knees and praise your savior, when you saw him. He was taller than you (obviously) and had gorgeous blond hair with a strange cowlick on the part. He wore glasses and a bomber jacket. He smiled gently and his brilliant blue eyes shone with happiness.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much," You gasped, sincerely grateful.

"Haha, no prob, dude," He said as he paid for your items. "I saw how much trouble you were in and I couldn't just sit back and watch. I am the hero, after all." He winked at you playfully.

As you exited the store, he carried your shopping bag for you. He asked you where your car was, and after telling him you didn't have one with you, he told you he would walk you to your house, then.

"Really?" You asked.

"Totally!" He said happily. He was very gleeful but he was also really loud. "The name's Alfred Jones. You?"

"(Your name)," You stated, slyly checking him out through your peripheral vision.

Reaching your apartment, you took the groceries from Alfred and look him directly in the eye.

"Once again, thank you so much. You're a real life-saver, man"

"How many times do I have to tell you? It's seriously no problem!" He smiled at you.

"Yeah, well thanks anyways." You opened the (favorite color) door and headed inside after Alfred told you he'd see you later.

You collapsed on your couch and cried. Even if you had been saved by an attractive and nice, if loud, man, you were still in pain. You needed to let it all out. Your day was still miserable. Periods are just the worst.

Several minutes passed before you heard a knock on your door. Dragging yourself from the couch, you slowly opened the door (which was stupid ALWAYS CHECK WHO'S OUTSIDE FIRST AND STAY SAFE KIDS.) Alfred was standing there, smiling and holding bags and bags of stuff.

"A-Alfred??" You said, shocked, as he marched into your small living room.

"I bought you some stuff cause I noticed you were having a pretty bad day!" He sat down and quickly unloaded the bags. He revealed countless bars of chocolate, a McDonald's happy meal, various other favorite foods of yours, movies, tissue boxes, manga, and other things. "Help yourself!" He said.

At first you were shocked but then you dug into all the treasures he brought you. The rest of your day consisted of feasting on food while complaining to him and crying on his shoulder. He watched movies with you and listened to your crying and comforted you and tried to cheer you up. He even gave you a back massage after you cried about your back hurting.

By the end of the day, you were completely worn out. You sighed as you laid down and wiped the tears from your face. You looked up at Alfred who was cleaning up the mess you had made by all the tissues you had used and things you had accidentally broken in your fury.

After he was finished, he said, "Well, I had better be going. I hope I helped some!"

"Oh my gosh, yes," you said enthusiastically. "Thank you so much. You're literally my savior."

"I get that a lot," he chuckled as he walked towards the door. "Bye! I'll see you later!"

Before he left, you ran at him and hugged him tightly from behind, shocking not only him but also yourself. You could feel his muscles tense and then loosen. Man, he must work out because wow.

"Thank you," you whispered into his muscular back.

"No problem." He turned around in your arms and hugged you tightly.

Both of you released and looked at each other, blushing softly. 

"I told you before, I'm the hero, so if you ever need saving, I'm right there," he said, much more quietly and lovingly than usual.

Waving goodbye slightly awkwardly, you closed and locked (ALWAYS LOCK THE DOOR KIDS) the door before spinning around and falling happily onto the couch. Alfred was so sweet and cheerful and handsome. Not only did he save you today, he kept you company in your pain; he was a miracle.

You chuckled softly before another shocking reality slammed into you.

You were in so much pain.



Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm still taking requests, so please ask me for stuff! Have a great life, my lovelies!

Also, because I want you lovelies to be safe, don't show random strangers where your house is, even if they're nice! Always check who is at the door, make sure you can easily contact a friend/family member/neighbor at all times, and always lock the door! I know this was all pretty cliche, but I want you to be safe!

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