France x Reader: Que Sera, Sera

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Your vision blurred as you looked down at your best friend, lying dead in a coffin. Without even making a single sound to indicate your pain, a tear slid down your cheek, clinging to your face until it reached your chin and dropped to the ground. It splattered. 

At that moment, you felt all of the pain of what had happened crash upon you like a tidal wave. They didn't deserve to die. They didn't do anything to deserve the intense pain their chemotherapy treatment caused. They were so kind, bringing joy to you even when your heart felt heaviest. Nonetheless, there they were, motionless and placid, not a breath escaping their mouth.

You were all alone now.

The funeral soon ended and people carried on, chatting happily with each other and acting as if nothing had happened. It made you feel sick. You couldn't stay and pretend like nothing was wrong. You needed to go home so you could cry and let all of the torment you were harboring out. Your hair whipped around you as you rushed through the reception hall, ignoring people's attempted greetings.

As soon as you plopped in the driver's seat of your car, you broke. Screaming, you pounded on the wheel with tears streaming down your lovely face. You felt so empty, like someone had taken all of your organs and replaced them with a black hole. You squirmed in your seat, feeling incapable of comfort, and let the tears stream down your face relentlessly.

At home, the sobbing only got worse. You were collapsed on your bed, frustration echoing in your screams and whimpers. You couldn't shake these horrid feelings from your body and soul. You couldn't stop crying.

Time meant nothing to you know. You merely wanted to weep until you expelled all of the darkness from your body, no matter how long it took. A few times you tried to get up and make dinner or check the time, but your feeble body collapsed, weakened from your uncontrollable tears.

Hours and hours passed before you finally felt the last of the tears escape your gorgeous (eye color) orbs. Shaking, you slowly stood up and walked over to your fridge to make dinner, a few chocked sobs bursting out. You fumbled with the ingredients for your favorite dish, still unable to see clearly through the water in your eyes.

Just then, your phone buzzed. Upon picking it up and unlocking it, you noticed your close friend, Francis, had been texting you for the past three hours, asking if you were alright. You started to cry once again. He was so kind to ask and the thought of him worrying about you made you happy, which only opened the proverbial flood gates.

You texted in reply, Yeah, I'm fine. I was just at (best friend's name)'s funeral and haven't been in the mood to check texts.

A minute or so later, Francis replied with, Are you sure? It was probably very difficult for you to have to say goodbye to your best friend like that...

You couldn't reply because you started weeping again. Francis could read you like a book. He knew you were lying, but he didn't want to be insensitive about it.

Your phone buzzed again. Is there anything I can help you with? Want me to come over and make you food or something?

You were about to type, I'm okay, when you gave up and let him know how much pain you were in.

 To be honest, I'm not okay. I've been crying for the past three hours and I don't know how I'll live. I'm so sad, it's hard for me to breath. Please help me, Francis. You pressed send.

I'm on my way, mon cherie, He replied.

Within a matter of minutes, you heard a knock on your door and opened it to reveal a breathless Francis. He looked as if he had run the entire way from his home, but he still charged in and hugged you before either of you could say a word.

Then, you started breaking down again and melted into his hug. Choking on your own tears, you clung to him, seizing his shirt firmly in your clenched fists and weeping into his chest. He held you tighter, not making a sound. He held you and you cried, and, strangely, you couldn't have wished for a better comforter.

Finally, you withdrew from his embrace and looked up into his deep purple eyes, which were filled with empathy. Wiping your tears away, you thanked him for coming, even though you sentence was almost incoherent through your sniffles.

"Of course, (your name)," he said softly, brushing the loose strands of your hair behind your ear. "Anything for you, mon petit chou."

You chuckled lightly at the use of the peculiar pet name and then led him into your living room. You flopped onto your couch and sighed. You still felt empty, broken, and yet you couldn't find the energy or strength within you to continue crying. Your body had had enough.

"Go make me some food, you perv," you stated, trying to shake off these awful feelings with a joke.

"Ok, ok," he sighed lightly. "How do crepes sound?"


While your French friend was making crepes, you drifted off to sleep, your body completely exhausted from the events of that day. You were still sad, but now that Francis was here, you didn't feel quite so alone...

You were awoken from your dreamless sleep by a gentle hand tapping your shoulder and the sweet smell of crepes. Rubbing your swollen eyes, you saw Francis standing over you, smiling sweetly at you. His longish, blond hair was held loosely in a ponytail with a ribbon and a cute apron was tied around his slim waist.

"You food is ready, mon cherie," he almost whispered.

You ate the food together, making light jokes and carrying on with happy conversation to try to distract you from the current events. Francis slipped in a few suggestive phrases, but you knew he only did this to lighten the mood and make you laugh.

The sky, you realized, was darkening with every passing second. You should probably tell Francis to go home so he can get some rest, but you didn't want him to leave. You enjoyed his company so much and he certainly helped to make you happier. You almost didn't remind him of the time, but then decided it was only right.

"Hey, Francis," you said. "You know, it's getting to be pretty late. You should probably go home now and get some rest. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"Wait, are you kicking me out? After all I've done?" He pretended to look hurt as a joke, but you knew he was only doing that as a cover for how hurt he actually was.

"Truth be told, I don't really want you to leave, but I don't know if you'd want to stay here with me..." You muttered.

You almost hoped Francis couldn't hear that, but he did anyways. He looked shocked, but also happy.

"Oh, (your name), I'll stay here as long as you need," he said before bringing you into a tight and affectionate hug.

"Thank you, Francis, thank you..." You whispered.

With Francis here, this stage of pain and mourning might not be so painful...



Sorry this one was sort of depressing, but a lot of stuff has been happening in my life. I found out today that my mom has breast cancer, so my life has become sort of rough (prayers and stuff would be appreciated.) I'm also sorry that the ending wasn't that good. I was getting kind of tired haha. Well, goodbye and I hope you enjoyed regardless of the depressing nature of the whole thing. Here! Have a tomato! Bye-bye!

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