China x Reader: Roller Coaster!

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You looked up casually from your manga as your best friend bounced in front of you. She was biting her lip and quietly squealing in excitement.

"You what?" You asked tiredly.

"I bought tickets for the new theme park that opened!" She chirped. "Literally everyone's been talking about it. It's supposed to be the coolest thing on planet earth!"

"Aaaand you wanted me to come, I'm guessing," You let your eyes slide back to the page. Manga is so much better than the stupid conversation you were having right now.

"Of course! You're my bestie!" She said as he pat you on the head cheerfully. "Actually, I originally bought the ticket for (friend) but they declined. Some crap they had to take care of. Sooooo, how about it?"


"Awww, c'mon, (nickname.) It'll be so much fun!" She begged.

"I already said no. Besides, why would I go if I wasn't even your first choice?" You grumbled. It secretly hurt your feelings that your friend made you a second choice.

"It's not like that!" She whined. "(Friend) has been wanting to go to this theme park since before it was even a thing. I wanted to take them, but they were busy. I still wanna go, though, and I thought you would enjoy it! Besides, these tickets cost a buttload of money."

You felt slightly better since you now knew (best friend) wasn't trying to be mean. But you still didn't want to go. You'd rather be home, chilling with music and manga.

As you lifted you head from your book to tell her "no" again, you saw her eyes. As soon as you met her eyes, you were frozen in mid-speech. She was doing the puppy eyes. She looked so cute and desperate. You tried to continue your sentence, but your will was wavering. Finally, she broke you.

"Fine. I'll go," You sighed and looked down at your book.

"YES!" She punched the air victoriously. "You're literally the bomb. You won't regret it!" She tackled you in a hug before running from the classroom.

You sighed.

I will totally regret this.


You yawned. Why were you even here? You were standing at the gate of the theme park on an overly-sunny Saturday, wearing your favorite outfit. The entrance looked pretty intimidating because it was enormous and there were hundreds of people shuffling in and out.

A little ways a way you saw a little kid crying and screaming, "But I don't wanna go!" As you watched the kid hit his dad and continue screaming, you thought to yourself, I feel you, man.

"Yo, (nickname)!"

Looking up, you saw your friend waving happily at you. You jogged lightly over to her, mentally kicking yourself for allowing her to convince you to come.

"Hi. Do you have the tickets?" You asked nonchalantly.

"Mmhmm!" She smiled. "Let's go! The sooner we go, the sooner we can stand in line for the rides!"

After entering the park, you wandered around and went on a few rides. Slowly, you found yourself smiling more, bit by bit. You hated to admit it, but you were really enjoying yourself. In fact, you hadn't had this much fun for the longest time. It was nice to relax and spend time doing fun stuff with your best friend.

You had basically gone on every ride except for a few more. There was one ride you were particularly looking forward to: the Panda Terror. It was supposed to be epic. It was a roller coaster mixed with a haunted house, all themed panda. It seemed silly, but as you neared the line, your stomach started to sink. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

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