Spain x Reader: Cuddle Buddy

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Your boyfriend, Antonio, always loved to cuddle. Whenever you were in sight, he wanted to snuggle up to you and hug you tightly. He would attack you with hugs throughout the day, even when you were cooking or reading.

But you hated hugs.

Whenever he tried to hug you, you would smack him over the head and scold him. You had to watch carefully for him in order to protect yourself from his fierce cuddle attacks. If he even so much as touched you, you would become very angry at him. This, of course, made him terribly sad. You didn't care, though. You simply didn't want to cuddle and he would have to learn to respect that.

One day, as you were troubling over a ridiculously difficult mathematics problem, you didn't notice Toni sneaking up on you, inch by inch, like a lion sneaking up on its prey. If you hadn't been so intensely focusing on the puzzle before you, you would have heard him chuckle softly. He was so close...

Suddenly, you felt your body being crushed by the strength of his hug. This, naturally, terrified you, and so you reacted instinctively and punched him clean in the face, not realizing it was poor Antonio. He yelped as your fist made impact.

"How dare you touch me, you filthy bastard!" You yelled, still unaware of your attackers identity.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but you didn't have to hit me so hard, chica..." He groaned. Upon hearing his beautifully accented voice, realization struck you.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Toni!" You leaned down to his and lifted up his face, checking the damage.

"It's fine..." He muttered, smiling, but you could tell he was a little hurt. "I just wish you would let me cuddle you sometimes..."

"Yeah, well, that's not happening," you stated. "Until you can accept that, I won't let you touch me."

Shock swept across his face like a tsunami.

"Wait, not at all?" He said, stunned. "Not even holding hands? Or hugs? Or anything??" You could hear the panic raise in his voice.

"Not at all." You stood up and returned to your math problems. "Now leave me alone before I call the police, tonto."

He walked away, slowly, dejectedly, and left you in peace for the rest of the day. You felt a little bad about how hurt he looked, but you decided if he couldn't take this, what did that say about his character? He seriously needed to learn to back off.

A few weeks later, Antonio was gone on business and you were completely alone for the entire span of five days. You were so relieved. It was nice to have a break every now and again and you enjoyed the time alone. But by the end of the few days, you started to feel lonely. To be completely honest, you would really love to have Toni with you right now, snuggling and whispering encouraging and loving words into your ears...

Wait, wait, wait. Did you seriously just think that to yourself? Were you really so desperate that you wanted a hug right now? No way. You tried to deny it and tell yourself it was just a passing thought, but the more you attempted to push the longing away, the more you wanted to feel Antonio's body pressed lovingly against yours, to feel his heartbeat, his warmth, his breath, his voice.

Sighing, you gave up. You plopped down on your bed and rubbed your temples, thinking. If you told Antonio you wanted to cuddle when he came back, he wouldn't ever let go, but if you didn't you might die. After letting out a sigh of defeat, you decided: as soon as Antonio returned, you would ask him to cuddle.

Antonio was due to return that day. You paced back and forth, anxiously, adjusting furniture out of habit. Walking quickly up to a mirror, you checked your appearance and ruffled your hair.

"Everything's going to be fine," you encouraged yourself, staring sternly at your reflection. "Just be honest. It's not like you're risking your life or anything. You've done worse things. Besides, it probable won't be that bad."

You collapsed on your couch, breathing deeply. You checked the clock again. The anxiety of wanting to see your boyfriend rising every second of silence. Soon you wouldn't be able to take it any longer. This was so frustrating! Why hadn't he shown up yet??

Just then, someone knocked on the door. Without even thinking, you threw open the door. You saw a happy Antonio standing there, smiling like his usual self and holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

"Hola, chica."

You were about to throw your arms around his neck and kiss him over and over, but you hesitated and stoped yourself. No, that isn't how you wanted this to go. You could see he wanted to reach out and wrap his arms around your waist lovingly, but he stopped, a forlorn expression washing over his features.

"I missed you so much," you said, smiling sweetly. "Why didn't you come back sooner, tonto?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I ran into some troubles with the train and things..." He muttered as you took the flowers from him.

"L-Listen, Toni?" You said shakily. "I, well, um, there's something I, um, wanted to ask you..."

He cocked his head cutely. "What is it, chica?"

"I-I-" You took a deep breath and started over. "Would you please cuddle with me?" Shocked silence filled the room after you stated your question.

Slowly, Antonio visibly filled with joy. A wide smile was painted across his face, showing off his beautifully white teeth. His eyes looked so happy. Before you could even react, you felt yourself being tackled.

You fell to the ground, Antonio clinging to you as if you would disappear any second. He kissed you neck and face up and down, practically drowning you in his pecks of affection. His breath was warm and comforting against your skin, and you felt your body sigh with relief. This is what you needed. You hugged back, never wanting to let go, never wanting this magical, beautiful moment to end. This was true happiness. You felt a tear of joy streak down your face.

The both of you laid there, kissing and hugging and enjoying one another's presences, for quite a long time, but you did not feel bound by the restraints of time. Finally, he pulled back still caressing your cheeks and neck lovingly as you leaned into his calloused yet gentle hand.

"Thank you, Toni," you sighed contentedly, kissing him on his cheek softly.

"Now do you see why I wanted to cuddle with you all those times, chica?" He chuckled warmly, kissing you back and toying with your hair.

"Hey, Toni?"


"Will you be my cuddle buddy from now on."

"Of course, chica. Te amo." He kissed you softly on the lips.

"I love you, too."



A little bit of a guilty pleasure piece, to be honest. I just really like Spain haha. I'm sorry about not updating for a bit. I've just been a little unmotivated, I suppose, but I've decided to stick with it. I need the practice and this is pretty fun to write. ^_^

By the way, I'm thinking about writing a Pirate!Hetalia story, but I'm not sure if I want to commit. Thoughts? Suggestions?


chica: girl (a term of endearment or affection.)

tonto: silly, fool, etc.

te amo: I love you.

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