Russia x Mute!Reader

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You sigh, your chest heaving up and down, while you stare out of the window, eyebrows pressing together in anger.

"Please, Miss (last name), we need you to cooperate!" Your therapist said, thrashing her arms around. "If you ever want to lead a normal life, then you need to listen to your doctors! This could be a great opportunity!"

Great opportunity, my foot, you thought.

You scoff and shake your head, thoroughly fed up with this whole business. Your therapist sighs deeply before crumpling into her big, black spin chair. She rubbed her temples and mumbled something to herself.

She had been trying to get you to consent into letting doctors perform a surgery to somehow get you to speak. You weren't buying it. The surgery was new and therefore not much was known about the side effects or what toll it could have on you in a few years. Your doctors were essentially trying to make you become a guinea pig and you refused, time and time again.

"Please, at least think about it," she sighed.

Hesitantly, you nod your head, not making eye contact. This room made you sick, and the longer you spent in here, the more you felt like you were suffocating. These people didn't really care; they just wanted your money. Besides, it's not like there was anything they could do. You were mute. No amount of therapist appointments or money spent could change that.

You left the therapy suite with a heavy weight bearing down into your chest, making each heartbeat painful. That place never did any good for you. Sighing, you look around the tall buildings which surround you, like kings seated on thrones high above you.

Then an idea came into your mind. You would head over to your favorite bistro, located only a few blocks away. You loved it because all of the staff knew ASL so you could finally relax without feeling judged, out of place, or needing extra help. It made you helped you feel normal.

After a few minutes of walking through the sunny streets of your beloved city, you arrived at your destination. Stepping into the small, independent cafe, your senses are flooded. The scent of rich coffee, chocolate, and a faint odor of rose petals. The heat is the perfect temperature, warming your heart but still keeping your skin comfortable. The interior is dark and artistic. You feel like a bear cub who finally returned to its comforting den.

A small smile pulls at the corners of your lips as you are welcomed kindly by one of the baristas. Soon you join the line and wait to order you favorite drink, which they always brew to perfection. Finally, your turn arrives and you smile up to the barista, a tall man with pale hair and mystifying purple eyes.

"What would you like to order?" He asks, words tinted with an enthralling Russian accent. A small piece of the weight in your chest in removed; you loved it when baristas talked to you in spoken word. It mad you feel, well, normal.

A (favorite drink.) The largest size you have, please, you tell him through signing. Oh, and a (favorite pastry.) He smiles and nods knowingly, typing your words into the iPad which also serviced as a payment machine.

After paying for your drink, you look up to see the hansom man smile at you. "Thank you so much for your business! Your order will be out shortly."

After waiting momentarily, your items are handed to you by the sweet Russian. You sit down and enjoy your food. You deserved it after such a long and painful therapy session. Sighing contentedly, you can finally relax.

You had stayed for quite a while, perhaps an hour or two, unwilling to leave this safe haven you have come to cherish. Suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder and look up to see the smiling, innocent Russian looking down at you with big, purple eyes, full of wonder.

"My shift is over," he stated. "Do you mind if I sit here with you for a while?"

His smile is so sweet and precious, that you quickly nodded "yes." He sat down next to you, pulling out his cell phone, texting. You soak in his perfect features with pure admiration before gluing your eyes back to your own mobile device. Man, he was perfect.

You hear him chuckle, but as you look up, you see his face is twisted with evil desire. He was almost pounding his text message into his phone, anger filling the very air around him. It startles you at first, before you rationalize yourself into believing there must be a logical explanation for his sudden change in demeanor.

What's wrong? You sign him, intrigue filling your body.

"Oh, it is only my friend, Alfred," he says, reverting back to his cheery, child-like self again. "He is stupid, so I told him I would hack his face out with a pickax." He closed his eyes and smile sweetly.

What did he just say????

You try to shrug it off, still feeling a little odd about his strange personality changes, when he taps your shoulder once again.

"What's your name?" He asks.

(First name), you sign to him. You?

"Ah, well I am Ivan." He glances down at his feet, fiddling with his fingers before staring into your eyes. "You are the most beautiful girl (A/N: or whatever gender you are) I have ever met, (first name.)"

Normally, you are not one to blush. You can just shrug it off like you do with most things, but this was too much. Your flustered meter was off the scale and your face bursts into flames. You try to sign him a nice reply, but you hands are too busy trying to hide your scarlet face.

He chuckles before leaning towards you and taking your hands. He looks deeply into your eyes, making your blush ever fiercer. He is still smiling sweetly, taking in all of your beautiful face.

"What would you say to taking a walk with me tonight?" He said breathlessly, so close you could feel his breath dance along your skin.

Nodding shakily, his smile turns into a grin and he squeezes your hands more tightly, almost hurting them. Apparently he doesn't know his own strength.

He pulls you up from your chair and he led you two outside, talking all the while, trying to learn more about you. You are speechless, yet overjoyed. This day had started out so horribly but had become the best day ever within a matter of minutes.

This could be interesting.



Aaaaahhhh!!! SO SO sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life happens, you know. I'm sorry Russia is so OOC. I tried to make him act like himself, but it's late at night and he is not cooperating. I hope you enjoyed it regardless.

This was a request by @Smartykiss and I also wanted to thank them for supporting me from the beginning! I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!

I'm not sure how long I'll keep up with this thing since I'm pretty uninspired and I have others stories I am working on, so this will probably be more of a "I-need-to-write-something-and-I'm-inspired-spur-of-the-moment" kind of book. Thanks for all the votes and reads! I really appreciate your support.

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