Question Time

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I do not own Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin or any of its characters.

[Edited on 05/17/18: Hopefully all of the typos have been removed, but feel free to let me know if you find more. There has also been minor changes to the structure of certain sentences and improvements with the vocabulary used.]

[My thoughts]
"Character thoughts" [Since the characters are narrating their own POV whenever they have a thought that is not directed at the reader and is purely for the story it will be italicized. Examples would be Levi in the first paragraph narrating for the reader [not italicized] and Hanji in the sixth paragraph thinking to themself [italicized].]
(What they are actually doing or thinking) [An example would be the second sentence of the first paragraph where Levi narrated going willingly but in reality he was annoyed by Hanji until he gave in.]

New: Underlining is an emphasis on a word. [An example would be Levi's first POV in the second chapter where he is stressing the word much.]

I forgot to say before, but I imagined them sitting in a circle with Mike, Petra, Hanji, and Erwin sitting right next to each other and Levi sitting across from them with an empty seat on each side. When writing I sort of imagined myself sitting in one of the empty spots on either side of Levi and watching the events unfold. So this is the order they are sitting in:

_ _ _ _ Petra Hanji
Mike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Erwin
Empty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Empty
_ _ _ _ _ _ Levi

Chapter Length without additional information is 438 words.


Previously: [Petra POV]

After Levi finishes speaking on the phone he looks up at us, inquiring with a raised brow the reason as to why we are acting so strange. I look at the others through my peripheral vision before I decide to ask the question I knew we were all wondering.

"So Levi," I asked cautiously, "who were you texting?"


[Levi POV]

They all looked so tense while awaiting my answer. "Idiots," I thought, "I'm not giving a verdict, get yourselves under control." While taking my sweet time observing each of their expressions, an idea comes to mind. "Think I'll give the answer out that easily do you?" I mentally smirked, "Oh no, it would be much more amusing to draw this situation out." I cross my legs on the floor and lazily lean back on my hands, slowly letting my gaze shift back over to Petra.

"Why do you need to know?" I raised a brow, "you'll get to see them when they arrive shortly anyway."

"I-I j-just thought we had the right to know," she stuttered slightly.

"So your implying that you have the right to know my personal business?"

"W-well I th-"

"Does that mean you have an ulterior motive?"

"N-n-no of cou-"

"So you plan on using the information I give you to your own benefit?"

"I-I-I j-just wanted to kno-"

"So you admit to wanting to use what I tell you against me?"

"I would nev-"

"You deny these are your intentions?"

"Y-yes, I was tryin-"

"So now you admit to going in denial of the acti-"

"Oh Levi stop! You're gonna give the poor girl a heart attack with all of your accusations!" Hanji exclaimed.

I paused my interrogation to look over at Hanji who was giving me a half amused half frustrated look. I gently rolled my eyes before turning back to Petra. I found her staring at me while looking a little dazed, a little upset, and very confused. I chuckled slightly and I was going to continue messing with Petra, but before I could Hanji started firing questions off at me faster than I could dodge.

[Hanji POV]

I saw Levi was about to continue questioning Petra, so I decided to step in and try getting some of my own questions answered while I still could.

"So are they male or female? What's their name? How long have you known them? What do they mean to you? Are they a cousin of yours? How about sibling? Are you romantically involved? If so when did you fir-"

"Shut it four eyes," Levi snapped, "if you don't lower the obnoxious volume your voice seems privy to taking and speak at a speed suitable to that of a basic conversation between two humans, I won't answer anything you decide to spew out of that mouth of yours."

I quieted down as he glared at me for a few more seconds. With an exasperated huff, he finally relented.

"Alright, what do you want me to answer first?"


[Sorry this is so short, but right after finishing that last sentence I realized I have to get up early tomorrow to go baby sit my grandma and it's really late so I should probably sleep. I also apologize for any mistakes I'll go over it later but I wanted to get it posted for you all. Please tell me if I made any grammar mistakes or anything, it would be greatly appreciated.]

This is also posted on my Archive of our Own and Fanfiction accounts.

"So Levi, who you texting?"Where stories live. Discover now