Chapter 2 - The golden field and the fox

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To prevent you guys from getting confused by this chapter

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To prevent you guys from getting confused by this chapter... when Harry was hit by the meteorite in the previous chapter he entered some kind of 'dream world' for a lack of better words, even though he hasn't realized that himself yet.

I thought I'll tell you guys this before you read the chapter, otherwise I'm pretty sure you wouldn't know what is going on here haha

Chapter 2 - The golden field and the fox

"Where the fuck am I this time?" I mumbled under my breath. I combed my fingers through my hair and looked around the weird scenario with furrowed eyebrows.

I was standing on what seemed to be an endlessly golden field with a wide blue sky stretching above my head. My green eyes scanned the area, searching desperately for any life form.

A sigh left my lips and I sat down in the golden grass, rubbing my sore feet. I do not know how it was possible, but I seemed to have lost my shoes and socks in this weird place, resulting in me walking around bare-footed.

I massaged my sore feet for a while before I fell backwards, looking up at the clear blue sky. I could not seem to find the sun anywhere, yet it was very bright in this place, and warm too. "Seriously, where am I?" I said again, to no one in particular.

Ever since I woke up in this place, I had walked around aimlessly, trying to find another human being to ask for directions. I had not found anyone. Somehow, I managed to get myself in the middle of nowhere. With no shoes. No food and no water.

I closed my eyes and started to doze off, feeling the warmth getting soaked up by my skin.

It's very nice here. It's very warm and peaceful, I thought to myself.

◊ ◊ ◊

I looked up at the sky and noticed – much to my surprise – that it had gotten dark. The once clear blue sky had turned dark with billions of twinkling stars. A large, silver moon illuminated the sky; the moonlight reflected on the golden grass, turning it an almost silver-like colour.

"I wasn't supposed to fall asleep," I muttered, standing up and looking around.

Something sparkled in the distance, catching my attention. When I took a closer look, I noticed it was a fire. I jumped up and threw my hands in the air, "Fire! There's fire!" I yelled, jumping around. "There might be people there!"

I started sprinting towards the fire, my feet thundering over the silver-golden grass. I ignored the slight ache in my feet and instead focused all my attention on the fire. Knowing my bad luck I might actually somehow manage to lose the fire out of sight, so it was important I kept all my attention focussed on it.

When the fire got closer, I decreased my speed and walked the last few feet. I stopped in front of the fire and looked around, seeing if I could spot anyone nearby.

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