Chapter 3 - Welcome back to the land of the living!

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was out of inspiration

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was out of inspiration. Somehow the nice weather gave me inspiration to write again. So here I am :) Again, sorry it took so long! Enjoy.

Chapter 3 - Welcome back to the land of the living!

"What happened to my roof?!" Zayn shrieked the moment he entered his own living room. Almost immediately, his glaring gaze went to Louis.

"It was you." He stated.

Louis smiled. "Yup, it was me." He wasn't even trying to deny it.

Niall sat down next to me and watched the two boys argue in front of us. "Sit back and enjoy the show." He mumbled.

"Why did you destroy my roof?" Zayn whined. Clearly upset.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Cheer up. A roof can be repaired and you're a fooking millionaire," he said in all his sass. "The most important part is that Harry woke up! Isn't Harry more important than a stupid roof?"

"Harry woke up?" The Bradford boy looked my way for the first time and his eyes widened. "Hazza! You're really awake! So the lunatic isn't joking, is he?"

A chuckle left my mouth. "This time, the lunatic isn't joking.

Louis gasped and looked somewhat offended. "I'm not a lunatic!"

We all looked at him.

"Alright, maybe a bit."

"Where's Liam anyway?" Niall suddenly asked, losing disinterest in the current topic.

Zayn shrugged his shoulders. "Last time I checked he was asleep. Just as I was until someone," he glared at Louis, still not having forgiven him, "destroyed my roof."

Louis choose to ignore him and strutted out of the room. "LIAM!! GET YOUR FAT ARSE OUT OF BED, OUR DEAREST FROG PRINCE WOKE UP!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, which was very loud indeed, especially to my newly developed sense of hearing.

I winched and covered my ears. Niall gave me a sympathetic look. "You get used to it eventually. Don't worry." He said softly.

I doubt I will ever get used to this, I thought to myself.

Louis stormed out of the room and a while later he returned, holding Liam by his feet and dragging him after him.

Liam scowled. Louis had a big smile on his face.

"This better be worth it," Liam muttered lowly under his breath, yawning loudly.

Louis probably dragged him out of bed by his feet, Liam being asleep and all, but Louis probably did not care about that. I felt bad for Liam.

"Of course it was worth it!" Louis chirped, having heard what Liam said. "Harry woke up! We've waited three days for that, remember?"

 "Harry woke up! We've waited three days for that, remember?"

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