Chapter 5 - The Dynamic Duo arrives

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Chapter 5 -The Dynamic Duo arrives

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Chapter 5 -The Dynamic Duo arrives

"Are you sure we shouldn't at least text the others?" I asked, feeling rather unsure about our plans. Why did I even let him convince me?

Louis glanced at me. "No need to be so paranoid. You remind me of Liam," he snorted. "I'm with you, so you don't need to be scared." And that's supposed to make me feel better? I thought to myself.

He told me not too long ago that he barely has any control over his abilities. He might very well blow up the entire amusement park like he did with his own apartment. Louis is unpredictable. You never know what he might do next.

You will fail and this world will burn in the ashes of darkness, Azazel's voice suddenly calmed within my head. A shudder went down my spine and I closed my eyes, forcing the memories of the haunted house and the demon with the eyes of fire to the back of my mind. Mentally, I put the memories away in a box. I'll deal with that later.

Perhaps going to the amusement park is not such a bad idea after all. A lot has happened to me recently - most of it was Louis' fault; I met a demon king, got kidnapped by a crazy cat demon, met a talking fox, and I had my powers awakened - even though I have yet to figure out what they exactly are.

Going to the amusement park is a normal activity. It would be the most normal thing I have done compared to the last few days of my life. Perhaps I just needed some normality in my life.

"Where is this amusement park of yours exactly?" I asked the lunatic sitting next to me. Knowing Louis, he would take us to an amusement park in the US. I really did not felt like going on an airplane now.

"Just outside London," he replied. I released my breath, feeling relieved.

"Where did you think it was located?" Louis asked. "Tokyo?" He snorted with a laugh.

"Wouldn't have surprised me," I replied with a sly smirk.

Louis gave me an offended look. "I feel wounded. How do you even think of me?"

"That you're a lunatic who does what he wants without thinking about the consequences," I immediately said without missing a beat, nodding my head.

For a while, Louis had nothing to say. "You're probably right," he finally said with a sheepish smile my way.

"Yeah, I know. Just make sure you keep your eyes on the road," I noted, "I don't feel like dying today."

"My driving skills are not what they used to be," Louis snorted, clearly feeling offended. "I'm not that bad... not anymore at least."

At least he admits he was a terrible driver in the past.

He was right. His driving skills are not as bad as they used to be last year. We haven't crashed against anything, we don't have the cops chasing us and we haven't gotten lost either.

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