Chapter 4 - Natural Energy

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Chapter 4 - Natural Energy

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Chapter 4 - Natural Energy

I sat pressed between Louis and Zayn, while trying to read over Niall's shoulder. "Have you found it?" Louis asked after nearly ten minutes of waiting. "It is actually in the book, right?"

Niall snorted. "Of course it's in the book! I'm not stupid," he defended himself, "I just forgot where I found it."

"I believe you, Niall." I told the blond. Niall grinned happily at that.

"I believe I have found it," Louis muttered. We all looked up. "Here it is," he added, pointing at a part of the page Niall was on. I looked at the few words he pointed at and indeed saw 'Natural Energy.'

"Only this is nothing new," Zayn spoke up. "This says that Natural Energy is the source of the powers from The Five. But we already know that."

Louis shrugged his shoulders. "At least this is something. I seem to be better at this than Niall as well."

Niall threw his hands up in irritation. "If you think this is easy then you can search for information on Natural Energy," he snapped, placing the book in Louis' lap.

Louis stared at the book open-mouthed and back at Niall. "No way, I don't feel like reading today," he said in his own sassy way, holding up his nose and placing the book back on Niall's lap.

But Niall shook his head. "I don't care. You read."

A sigh left Liam's mouth. "Guys, this is not some kind of game. Get serious for once."

Zayn groaned and took the book. "If you guys are gonna keep fighting, I will do the searching," he muttered. He went to the end of the book and went through the register – I could sense Niall face palming himself.

When Zayn found something about Natural Energy in the register, he went to the correct page. "I found something about Natural Energy. So listen well, you bunch of nutshells." We all decided to ignore the fact he called us 'nutshells.'

"Natural Energy is an advanced form of magic identical to The Five. Most people who possess superpowers use the energy they possess within their own bodies; the downside to that is that the 'container' of their powers can get empty." Zayn read in his calm voice, saying every word slowly and clearly to make sure we all understood what he said.

"Whereas Natural Energy takes its power from the surroundings and uses that power to keep filling the so called Energy Container when it becomes close to getting empty. Natural Energy is like using the unlimited powers without growing tired. Even though it is said it only can be used in its full potential with a lot of training and practise." He finished, closing the book. "That is everything about Natural Energy in this book," he added as an afterthought.

I thought about what Zayn said. I did not fully understood it, but if I'm right Natural Energy means using the powers of the environment, or something like that.

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