Chapter 6 - World of the Shadows

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Chapter 6 - World of the Shadows

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Chapter 6 - World of the Shadows

We strolled casually around the amusement park, licking our ice cream cones. Louis had strawberry and I had my delicious banana ice cream.

"What are gonna do next?" Louis asked when he had finished his ice cream.

"I'm going to finish my ice cream. Then we'll see." I replied, calmly licking my ice.

Louis pouted. "Hurry up then! You don't need to eat ice cream that slow, it might melt!" He whined.

I ignored him.

"Don't start ignoring me!" He exclaimed with wide eyes. "I need attention."

I said nothing and took another small lick off my ice cream. Just to irritate him.

Louis groaned in irritation. "You always eat so slow!" He moved closer, "I just help you then."

Before I could do something, he took a large bite off my ice cream. I gaped at him. "You took my ice cream," I said sadly.

"Don't worry, little one," he laughed, "I get you a hot dog or something later."

"Hot dogs aren't bananas."

"Ice cream aren't bananas either."

"Banana ice cream tastes like bananas. Whilst hotdogs that taste like bananas do not exist." I retorted.

Louis stared at me. "Don't be a smart ass."

I looked at him, tilting my head to the side. "Being a smart ass is better than being a dumb ass," I replied.

"Alright, I get you some banana pancakes later on," he muttered under his breath. "I believe I saw a place here where they sold pancakes..."

Banana pancakes will do, I thought to myself.

Looking at the remains of my ice cream – the ice cream that Louis destroyed with his salvia – I was debating between eating it or throwing it away, when Louis got hold of my sleeve and started dragging me somewhere.

The ice cream fell out of my hands.

"MY ICE CREAM!!" I wailed.

"Get over it!" Louis retorted, dragging me further and further away from my beloved ice cream. Sadly, I looked away from the ice cream and looked forward, focusing on not running against anyone. Louis did not seem to care. He ran forward like a bull going mad. I called apologies as we went. Whatever it is that had caught Louis' attention, had him running like the wind.

"Here we are!" Louis exclaimed, stopping suddenly. He let go of me and jumped a few times. I looked at whatever caught his attention.

It was a dolphin tank.

Which amusement even has a dolphin tank to start with? I thought to myself, tilting my head to the side and watching the two dolphins swim around.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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