Here comes reality.
A/N: *dugeun~ dugeun~*
I hope you enjoy reading!
Each day we grew closer through the flowers around us. And today, it's Dandelions.
I hope this chaos between Kriscanti and Kantor ends.
With every flower comes a wish we couldnt speak out even if our families were powerful.
We dont live in the same town, though the two towns are just beside each other, our families despise each other, but we would always find time to meet.
I never knew why I was so drawn to him, when all he did was annoy me and point out all my insecurities in life. Well, yeah he could be caring and sweet and a gentleman sometimes but I always tell myself to obey orders. Yup,orders. My parents' orders. He comes from the Huang Family and Im from the Cross Family. This whole Romeo and Juliet thing is driving me crazy. The Cross Family has been guiding the Town of Kriscanti for generations and so did the Huang Family for the Town of Kantor. I dont really know the reason why our families despise each other so much. But when I got born, the first thing they said was "I hope that this child wont be like her grandmother." It was a complete no-no to ask what she did and whenever I tried to ask all they ever said was that she disgraced the Cross family.
I met him when I first went to that secret fountain place in the forest behind town. It looked like it was a ruin of a really big house before. But what I noticed were the carvings were not from long ago. The design didnt emply that it was from a really long time before we were born. He was there reading a book while I sat on the other side of the fountain.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit next to you? It's just that there are bug--"
"No, I dont. Have a seat." he said and he looked up to me and smiled.
"You're not from here are you?" he asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You just crossed the border between Kriscanti and Kantor."
"So you mean this fountain is the border?" I said. No wonder my parents forbid me to come here.
He put his book down and looked at me. "Well, you can pretty much say that.That fountain is sitting on the line dividing the two towns. We're not allowed to cross borders without permission, have you forgotten?"
But before I could answer him, 4 guards were running my way. I looked at the seal and it was my parents' seal.
"My lady, we were told to escort you back home. There has been a report that a Huang has crossed the border." One said as he tried to hide his heavy breathing.
"But I have my parents' permission to leave home until 2 in the afternoon.I am confident that the trespasser will not know that Im a Cross."
"Please obey, my lady. The town is a dangerous place for you at this moment. Not to mention, you went wandering around the woods and you have come to the place your parents have forbidden you to go to. Please cease from this hard-headedness."
"Forgive me, my lady. But orders are orders." They took both my hands and started pulling me away while I struggled to prevent them from taking me.
"LET GO OF ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT! You were told to escort me, not get me like I'm a CRIMINAL!"
*sigh*"Another damsel-in-distress huh?" he got up and started to pull me away from the guards.
"You know--" he started saying and paused to hit the guard on my left, and the hit made him unconscious.
"You shouldn't treat a--" he continued as he made another guard unconscious.
"A very fair maiden this way!" he finished his sentence and looked at the last guard standing.
"Young man, do you know you're dealing with a Cross? And delinquents like you are not allowed to step across the borders of Kriscanti." the guard said. I wanted to stop them both but he talked.
"And would you mind telling me what's wrong with me stepping across the border?" he walked to the guard, who was obviously trembling ,and whispered in his ear.
"I LIVE IN KRISCANTI." he smirked and hit the guard once and made the guard drop down to the ground.
He looked damn cool beating up the guards. I know I should've felt pity towards the guards since they're from my father's forces but all I could think was how deadly and dangerously hot he was. I snapped back to my senses and made my way to him.
"Are you okay, good sir?"
"Yes I am. You talk all proper. I see you're a Cross. Is that right?"
"Yes. How could I repay you for your kindness?"
"You don't have to. I am in urgent need to go." he started turning his back to the opposite direction going to Kriscanti so I called him.
"Good sir, you're going the wrong way. You reach Kriscanti through the path you are currently turning your back on."
"Keep my secret, will you? *walking towards me* Im not from Kriscanti. Name's Tao. HUANG Zi Tao." he smirked while he said those words, putting more stress on his name, then left.
I was left there, all shocked to know that the person who defended me was from The Town of Kantor. A descendant of the Huang Family. The mortal enemy of my family.
A/N: YEEAAAY! FIRST CHAPTER DOOONE! *excited squeals* oh yeah, KRISCANTI is pronounced as "Kris-awn-tee" and KANTOR is pronounced as "Cawn-tour" ^^ I'd really appreciate your feedback for every chapter I post... sooo, I hope you liked the first chapter! Kamsahamnida. ^^

On the other side (Huang Zi Tao FanFic)
FanfictionThe mess my grandmother made, the hatred these two families have for each other, me being a Cross and him being a Huang, my whole world is getting crazy. My name is Chloe Cross and I am you. ^^ HUANG ZI TAO AND YOOOUU <3 *fangirl squeal* Inter...