4th: Uhm. What just happend?

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I stood and the ladies bowed and I made my way out of the dining room before dad could change his mind. I went upstairs and changed into comfortable clothes. I was almost running when I went down the stairs and maybe that was why my nanny called me.

"Chloe, dear. Be careful in going down. You might hurt yourself."

"Nanny! I'm meeting him today!" I ran close to her and whispered.

"Your mom canceled the lessons?"

"Yeah, I think. Mom and dad were still talking when I left the dining room."I told nanny. Just then a chauffer called me because the car was ready.

"Miss Cross, Lady Cross told us you can roam any part of the town today. All restricted areas except,of course, the Kantor grounds, are open for you."

"Thanks. Can we go now?" I said and so he opened the car door and I went in. He closed the car door a little loudly, that my heart beat faster. Well maybe it was already beating fast because I was meeting him again. As we were about to exit the gates of the Cross Ancestral house, the driver asked me.

"Miss Cross, what are the places you want to go to today?"

"Places? I'm only going to one place. Just leave me at the old fountain and get me back by curfew."

"But Miss Cross, Lady Cross have told us you are only allowed to stay in one place for 5 minutes."

5 minutes?! What does she expect me to do in 5 minutes?! This must be her revenge since I canceled the lessons today. Ugh! How am I supposed to talk to him in 5 minutes?! And why would I even want to tour the Village when ever since I was young I memorized the map of it? I'm getting annoyed by this.

"You don't have to obey orders all the time you know. I PROMISE I WONT TELL." I said as I tried to persuade him.

"But Miss Cross..."

"Okay fine. Let's go to different places for only 5 minutes, then I'll tell mother that you've been skipping your night duties to meet with your girlfriend. I guess you don't want me to shut up about that matter so..." I say.

"Agreed, Miss Cross. We will drop you off at the fountain and come back by curfew." The chauffer said as he nervously wipe off the sweat on his forehead. I'd feel the same too, If I were him. My parents are good people. But trust me, you don't wanna get on their bad side especially if you work for them.

After a few more minutes of driving, we arrived the end of the Kriscanti Village and though it's still meters away, I could already see the silhouette of the fountain where I sat down with him once.

"Just leave me here. My business will be done by curfew time." I said and the car stopped. The driver and the chauffer went out of the car and the driver opened the door while the chauffer offered his hand to help me out of the car.

"Be well,Miss Cross."

"I will. Now off you go and find something interesting to do while waiting for me."I said. They bowed, went in the car and drove.

I walked to the fountain with excited and light steps only to find out that he was not yet there. I wandered for a while and looked at the flowers growing by the side a wall. It was peculiar how one wall stood there. What was that wall for anyway? I moved away from the flowers and the wall and made my way back to the fountain side then I saw him. Same shade of dark blue shirt  and his slightly tattered jeans.

His hair was riding the wind and he was leaning near the fountain on one hand, and reading a book again.

I sat near him and arranged my skirt on my lap. I poked his side and he looked my way.

"Why're you here?" he said like he was annoyed.

"Uhm. To meet you?"

"Tch. Who said you could meet me?"

"You did. You left a note on my window." I said, bewildered with his weird expression. How could he ask me that when he was the one who left the note?

"What note? Who's window?" he said as he placed the book down on his lap and looked me in the eye. What the hell is he doing? Maybe it wasn't him who left the note. But I heard him say his name. He clearly said 'HUANG Zi Tao' which corresponds to the initials that the paper had.  He was so different today than the time I met him. He looked kinda scary but he turned out to be sweet and he defended me from those guards. But now he seems like he's attached to his bad side.

"The note saying you'd meet me here again. Here, you wrote this right?" I said as I dug in my pocket and gave him the piece of paper that was on my window last night. He got the paper from my hands and crumpled it.

"What the hell?! Why did you do that?!"

"Because I can. Now, would you mind clearing the area? I need some time on my own. I'm waiting for someone."  how rude.

"But I am that someone you're waiting for."

"NO, YOU ARE NOT. I guess my servant messed up again and placed it on your window wrongly. Sorry to have taken up your time. You may leave."

I seriously don't know what I felt. I wanted to strangle him or strangle myself. Why was I even so attached to this meeting anyway? I never knew him. Though I really wanna know him more. But the fact that he was a stranger, I shouldn't have had my hopes too high in meeting this "BOYFRIEND CANDIDATE" guy. I stood up, pulled my skirt down a little and started walking away. Just then someone called out "Miss Cross!" It was his voice so I didn't look back. But his voice sounded softer this time. I walked slowly away because I could hear his running steps toward me. Then he finally catch up and held my wrist to stop me from walking and pulled me so I was already facing him. It was the same person I saw yesterday. But I was sure it was also him who looked so annoyed when he saw me earlier.

"What do you want?" I asked in a monotonous way.

"Didn't you read the letter? I asked to meet you at the same time and place." he said.

What the hell is wrong with him? Such a bipolar freak.

"I talked to you earlier, didn't I? You told me you didn't leave a letter and maybe one of your servants got his mind messed up by placing the letter on my window." I said, already pissed. I feel like he's trying to make fun of me.

After everything I said, he looked like he was stopping a laugh.

"What?" I asked him since he was all silent. Then he laughed.

"You met my brother." He said in between laughs.

"Brother? But I'm sure it was you who I talked to. You looked EXACTLY the same." I said, bewildered.

"No we don't look the same. We're siblings so we kinda have the tendency to look pretty similar to each other."

"And look at my clothes." he added tugging on to his shirt. It was a different shirt. He was wearing a school uniform type of outfit. The one I met earlier looked like a gangster or whatever.

"Oh. I'm... I'm sorry I mistook you both." I said.

"That's okay. At least I get to meet you again."

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