6th: Daisies

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During the next few days, I've been hanging out with Tao at the abandoned house. We got to know each other so much better and it was such a nice feeling to have someone share almost the same anxieties and feeling of not belonging in our respective households. They were very beautiful and memory worth days. Either we just lie down and look at the dream catchers or clean the mansion. It was an extremely tiring work for me. Considering the fact that I never did any chore ever since I was a kid. But Tao looked so familiar with all he was doing. He swept the floor, he wiped the glasses clean, he dusted almost half of the things in the living room while I continue to place things back to their original position. Then suddenly, a person came and gave Tao a basket.

"Master Tao,  Mistress Elena has ordered to send you and the Miss some food."

"Mom?" he said with a confused look.


"Does she know about the Lady I'm with?"

" Mistress Elena has said nothing, Young Master. But she ordered to bring you food."

"She knows who Im with... She must have read the note... Where is she?" Tao asked as he looked concerned.

"She proposed to come with us although the place is a danger to any noble."

"Well then, where is she? I need to see her." Tao said and ran towards the door but a voice stopped him from his steps.

"I'm right here." a feminine voice answered and we both looked down to the staircase where the voice came from. There stood a slender woman, wearing a dress not really extravagant, but the way she was bringing it made the dress look like glowing. She was full of poise when she walked up the stairs and Tao ran to her and gave her a hug. She let out a giggle when Tao bumped into her and wrapped her arms around Tao.

"Hey! I told you to tell me if you had a girlfriend already. Looks like you've been hiding this from me, my little baby." she said cheerfully but scrunched her eyebrows as soon as Tao looked at her. My heart kinda jumped when she said the word girlfriend. Am I his girlfriend now? Is that how it works?

"I'm not a baby anymore, mom!" Tao complained and his mom just let out a laugh.

She glanced to my direction and I was flustered. I didn't know what to do so I just smiled and she smiled back.

"Is that her?"

"Uhm, she's the one I'm with but she's not my girlfriend... yet." Tao looked down and his mom broke out of Tao's arms going to me.

"What's your name?" she smiled.

"I'm Chloe. Chloe Cr--"

"You're a Cross. I know." she cut me off before I could say my whole name. She turned her back on me and faced Tao who was in a state of shock as I was. We planned that we wouldn't tell our parents about our identities but his mom already knew.

"Be careful, both of you. I don't want you guys to be in danger." She said with a serious tone. 

"Mom, you can promise not to give us away right? It's not like we did something unlawful." Tao said.

I bit my lip when Tao said his last line. We clearly were illicit! 

"Well, you've crossed borders and hang out in an abandoned mansion, or pretty much trespassed a private property. Second, people from Kriscanti and Kantour aren't supposed to be together, therefore you've clearly acted NOT in accordance to the rules set protecting the two great towns. Is there anything you'd wanna add to the list?" his mom said and looked at me and Tao with one of her eyebrows raised. He looked away and I looked down.

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