It's Meant To Be (Part 5)

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Ethan took my hand as we headed to the restaurant Seafire Steakhouse. It was nice getting to know more of Ethan. The more I knew the more I was falling for him. Everything just felt right when I was with him. Like it was just us and nobody else.

"Mae I don't want tonight to end. Would you like to come back to my room?"

"Ethan I would love to but I just can't. I just met you today. Don't get me wrong tonight was wonderful and everything. I am so sorry".

I felt bad turning Ethan down but wasn't the right time. I could see hurt in his eyes and I wanted it go away, but I just couldn't let myself go tonight.

"I understand. My I see you tomorrow?" saying with his head down.

"Of course Ethan. I would love that!"

I had spent the rest of the trip with Ethan. And as for Brent, he was a little down for the rest of the week we had left. Sofia had left to go home. I could see in their eyes that they had fallen in love just like Ethan and I did.

You know the weird thing is, is Ethan and I never gave each other our numbers. I guess with seeing somebody every day for two weeks we didn't need to. We had said our goodbyes at the airport and that would the last time I saw him.

Summer had come to an end and tomorrow would be back to school for my finally year. Brent and I had decided to stay in tonight and just order some pizza, and watch movies. We both still needed to chill from just getting back a couple of days ago. We had gone school clothes shopping just two days ago and we both were in a funk. We both had to let someone go who we actually fell in love with. Knowing we would never see them again.

Brent had given Sofia his number but she still hasn't called or texted him back. Ethan and I got so caught up being with each other we didn't know where each lived. I didn't even know his last name to try and find him on Facebook.

"Mae you ready for school tomorrow?"

Brent yelled from couch as I was in the kitchen getting another slice of pizza.

"I guess so. What about you?" I yelled back to him.

"Yeah. I got all the good teachers. Its going to be a good year. What does your schedule look like?".

"Let me go get it from my backpack". I said as I handed him my slice to hold for me.

We looked over each others schedule and pretty much had all the same teachers. But one teachers name stuck out, it was a new one. Mr. Moore.

"You got this Mr. Moore for English 6th period?"

"I do! Oh good I would be stuck with losers last period". Brent was saying to me.

"I wonder what the new teacher will be like? I hope he's not like the rest.".

"Yeah I hope so too. Maybe he will be old and pass out during class".

We both started laughing. It was going to be a good year I could tell already.

Brent had left around ten o'clock to head home and take a shower. And I did the same.

Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh!" as a slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I looked over at the clock after throwing the covers off of me. It was 5:30 am. Only getting 4 hours of sleep, today was going to drag.

Swing my feet over the side of my bed I slid my feet into my slippers. I stood up half asleep and headed for my bathroom down the hall.

Flicked the lights on, blinding myself just to adjust my eyes to the bright lights over the bathroom sink. Brushed my teeth, hair and headed back to my room towards my closet.

"I don't known what to wear!" I said out laud to myself. After a few minutes of staring at all my clothes I had decided to just go casual with blue jeans and a coral colored blouse.

Looking over my shoulder to the clock reading 6:40. "oh shit!" saying in my head I had ten minutes til Brent was here to pick me up.

Honk Honk!

I ran downstairs into the kitchen to grab a bagel and headed to the car.

"Come on Mae we are running late!"

"Oh shut it Brent, were on time. Chill out!".

Brent had pulled in the student parking lot, parked his dodge truck in a open spot. We both shrugged our shoulders as we didn't want today to come.

"Well we better head to home room before were late". Saying as he hopped out of the truck.

"Mrs. Conners right?" meeting him at the front of the truck.

"Yeah east wing of the school".

We linked arms and headed inside.

"Welcome back everyone. As many of you know I'm Mrs. Conners. This is your home room. Basically a free period for the year".

Home room was boring but at least I had Brent with me. Not much to do on your first day of school. Getting to know people we already knew. Everyone talking about their summer vacation. Speaking of vacation, I wonder what Ethan's doing. I think of him from time to time. Making me think of him, as everyone talked about what they had done over summer.

Home room ended and it was first period. Brent and I didn't have this class together. He had Math while I had History with Mr. Brown.

Walking into Mr. Brown's class I saw my worst enemy Chloe Burns. The biggest drama maker of the school. Just perfect!

Trying to make my way around to the back of the class room, I could hear her whispering something to her leech Britney Parker while looking my way.

Well this class is going to suck ass! They were already talking shit about me. They haven't seen me in three weeks. What could they be starting? I can't think about this, its just going to piss me off.

Mr. Brown had walked in, welcomed us all back to the new school year. He was the best History teacher at this school.

Class went by fairly quickly, and now it was time for science.

It was basically the same for the rest of the day. "Welcome back. Blah blah blah. At this point I was ready for last period, just wanting today to end.


Turning around to see who was calling my name. All could see was someone jumping up and down, waving their hand in air try get my attention.

"Brent were you really just jumping up and down like a nerd?"

"Well yeah, I had to catch up with you some how! Have you heard about this new teacher being young. I also heard from a couple of girls saying he was hot".

"Nah I don't listen to half the people in here. Always making shit up. I guess we'll find out what all hype is about".

Noticing the teacher wasn't in class yet as Brent and I just walked in as finally bell rang. Making our way to the back of the class. Taking a seat putting my arms on the table, I laying my head down.

"Welcome class I will be you new teacher this year. As you can read I'm Mr. Moore. Please take a seat and let's begin attendance".

"Uh Mae. Mae!" whispering kinda loud in my ear.

"What Brent!" Shooting my head up as I heard my name being called.

"Mae Riley... Mae Riley you here"?

Everyone in class was now starring at me. Looking shocked at who I was seeing. Ethan the man I had fallen in love with was now my English teacher.

Brent had nudged me and I shouted "Here!".


So what do you think so far?

I know this chapter is long but I wanted to get into the story now. Sorry if it all over the place.

What do you thinks going to happen between Mae and Ethan? Will they end things like they did in the Bahamas or will they rekindle the fire they had?



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