"I met you again, I saw your eyes that were like two flames. We stared into each other's eyes. We could see the universe there but then you disappeared... why? Why have you done that? Now I'm alone... I'm just a black background in a photo..."
The next day, the house was empty and seemed lifeless again.
Min woke up more tired than ever, barely being able to keep her eyes opened. She sighed and got out of bed, sitting a few minutes on the bed's edge with her eyes closed, letting the the sunlight caress her asleep face. She stood up and streched then opened the window and the cool air banished her last shreds of sleep.
She changed her clothes for work and went in the living room. The stairs were creaking loud under her feet, stepping intentionally harder to drive away that bizzare silent which filled the house. Min turned on the radio on Hyorin's favourite chanel. VIXX's melody began and Min started to smile. Without realizing, she was moving on the melody's rithm while she was prepairing her bag and her breakfast.
She arrived in front of the Jellyfish's building and she looked at it. She still couldn't believe that she was working there... but something was gnawing her... a strange feeling which gave her goosebumps. What Hyorin told her the day before made Min thinking a lot at her relationship with Leo. She knew what responsability she has, being in a relationship with one of the most loved singers in the industry, but the fear gripped her soul, like a virus.
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Thinking for a diversion and how she could protect Leo, she didn't noticed that her things were on a table in the media department's office. She passed by the office without paying attention to the people who were passing by her.
The people from the office looked stunned at Min, knowing that she should go there but no one said a word.
Min almost arrived in front of her former office, when VIXX's manager cut her way with a sour and surprised gaze.
'What are you doing here?' he said coldly.
'I hadn't have to come to work today?' Min asked distraught.
The man scratched his forehead with his forefinger and put his arms on his hips. Min seemed like a little and helpless child, being scolded by an adult.
'Didn't you read your duties yesterday?' he said a little angry.
'I did read it! I did everything was on the list.' she said innocent.
'Well, you missed something...'
Min tried to remember what was that „something".
'One of the duties were to free the office till today. I forgot to tell you that you would have that office until we would find an empty desk in the media's office.
„The super-manager makes mistakes too..." Min thought like she won a point against him.
'I think I missed one poin without realising. I'm sorry.' she said, bowing.
'Anyway, I asked someone to move your things in your new office.' The man bowed his head and left leaving a cold air behind him.