Chapter Ten.

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"Stop crying, babe" Louis whispers to Harry as he hugs him. They've been home for an hour now, laying on their bed, and Harry hadn't stop crying since they arrived. Louis doesn't know what to do.

"I hate him" Harry says between sobs.

"No you don't" Louis thinks about what he is going to say, because it hurts but he know that it is the truth. "You love him, Harry"

"What?" Harry asks confused because, hat the heck is his boyfriend saying?

"Harry, do you really think I can't see it?"

"See what?" Harry questions getting up on the bed.

"The way you look at him, Harry" Louis says as he does the same as his boyfriend. "Yesterday, in the party, when Niall passed out you were freaking out, you were telling him to come back with you"

"I-I was scared, that's all" Harry tries to defend himself.

"And then, when you fell asleep in Niall's room I heard you say his name in your sleep" There is a moment of silence, neither of them know what to say. Harry is stunned, is it that obvious? "Look Harry, I'm not blaming you, I'm not even angry" Louis finally says "I just want you to be sincere".

"Louis I… I really like you, you know that. But with Niall everything is different. I know  I should hate him, but I can't" Harry admits letting a tear slip from his eye "I love him" Louis smiles softly, because how could he been so blind? It was so obvious that Harry loved Niall, he just was pretending he didn't know. And he should be angry, sad, or disappointed, but he isn't.

"Thank you" Louis says still smiling.

"For what?" Harry asks confused, this boys has completely lost his head. He should be mad at him.

"For telling me the truth" Louis responds as he press a soft kiss on Harry's forehead.

"This doesn't mean we have to break up, I-" Harry tries to say.

"Harry" Louis interrupts him "You should be with the one you love. Life is too short to waste time on stupid things"

"You're not a stupid thing" Harry protests.

"No, but our relationship is" Louis says, Harry looks at him, frowning "Yes, this is getting stupid, you don't love me, you're never going to love me, because if after all this time and everything Niall has done you still love him it means you will always love him. And yes, maybe I'm in love with you but I'll get over it, eventually. I just want you to be happy, Harry" Louis whispers the last sentence but he knows Harry heard it when the boy smiles softly at him.

"I wish I could love you, Louis, you're so good to me and so sweet…" Harry says.

"But you love Niall" Harry takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, because yes he loves the blonde boy and he can't do anything about it "And you two should be together" Harry opens his eyes and looks at Louis.

"It's complicated" Harry says.

"That's what cowards says." and for a moment the only thing that is heard is silence because Harry doesn't even know what to do "Text him" Louis suggests.

"And what I am supposed to say?"

Louis shrugged "That's up to you" and after that Louis plants a soft kiss (last kiss) on Harry's lips and leaves the room, leaving Harry alone.

Harry picks his phone and searches for Niall's number, once he finds it he tries to write something, the first thing he writes is: 'I just broke up with Lou and I love you, Niall.' He's about to press the send button but the he deletes the message and writes another one: 'I think we should talk, sort some things out, please.' He presses send and minutes later he receives the answer, a simple: 'Okay, come to my house tomorrow at 12, and come alone please, if I see Louis I swear I'm going to strangle him.' Harry smiles a little at that last part, because Niall is jealous. Stupid boy, Harry only has eyes for him. And then Harry falls asleep with the phone on his hands.


"I've got something to tell you too" Niall says as he and Harry sit on Niall's couch.

"Okay, you go first" Harry says nervously playing with his hands.

"I-I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry" Harry looked at him confused. "Yesterday I- You were right, you are right, this is all my fault and now I don't know what I can do. I acted like a jerk and if you really want to be with Louis, it's okay because I can't do anything about it. You know, this is new to me, al this loving-someone thing and-"

"Niall, shut up" Harry interrupts him abruptly and Niall looks at him scared that he said something wrong, again. "I accept your apologies, but I don't want to be with Louis, that's what I wanted to tell you, we broke up."

"Why?" Niall whispers, because he feels like this is his fault again.

"Because I met this boy" Harry says smiling cheekily, and oh great, Niall thinks now Harry is in love with someone, this can only get better "he is, he is really cute you know?" Harry continues and Niall only wants to cry, why his Harry doing this? What's the point? "I met him some years ago actually, like five" Niall is now even more confused "On a rooftop, this boy had some issues, you know? But I had too. He hurt me, but I love him, I love you Niall, and I want to be with you because life's too short to waste time on stupid things" Harry says quoting Louis "And you know what's stupid? You and I not being together." Harry concludes and waits for Niall to say something but the blonde boy doesn't even move and Harry starts to feel awkward because maybe it's too late. "Please say something" Harry begs.

"I-I thought you would never forgive me…" Niall says getting up from the couch and Harry does the same. "What I did, I-"

"No, Niall" Harry whispers softly getting closer to Niall "It is in the past now"

"I know, but even if you forgive me I never will" a tear scapes from Niall eyes.

"Niall" Harry whispers again "I need you" Harry's lips ghost over Niall's and they both close their eyes and the it happens, soft lips, filled with care pressed against warm but chapped lips filled with need, and most importantly, love. And Niall feels complete again.

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