Chapter Twelve.

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When Niall comes back home the first thing he notices is the smell of something coming from the kitchen. It smells really good actually, a mix of tomato, cheese, and some spices. He walks into the kitchen to find Harry's back, the boy is cooking some pasta. Niall walks right up to him and wrap his arms around Harry waist.

"It smells good" Niall says as he rest his chin on Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks" Harry answers turning his head slightly to give Niall a soft kiss on the cheek.

They stay like that for a long time. Niall wrapped around Harry and Harry trying to cook.

"Okay, this is finished" Harry says "Let's going to eat".

"Okay" Niall says. But instead of unwrapping his arms from Harry he stays exactly in the same position.

"You know, if you don't let me go we can't eat" Harry says chuckling.

"I won't let you go" Niall says as he buries his face on the crook of Harry's neck "You're mine"

Harry turns around so now he's facing Niall and gives a soft him kiss.

"So, we're gonna stay like that all day?" Harry asks smiling. Niall doesn't answer, instead he kiss Harry, softly, with such a care. He breaks the kiss and then give him a peck on the lips, one, two and three times, before whispering,

"Do you-" Niall starts "Do you remember when we had a food fight right here, in my kitchen?" He finishes smiling at the memory and Harry smiles too.

"Yeah, and after that you left" Niall's smile fades "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- It was my fault too" Harry states.

"What?" Niall asks confused.

"Well, we made that kind of promise remember? I wouldn't love you and you wouldn't leave me. I guess we both broke the promise" Harry explains.

"But if I hadn't left maybe…"

"Niall" Harry interrupts "That was five years ago, it doesn't matter anymore. Look where we are now. You and I, together."

"We never really had a proper talk about it" Niall says "About why I left and the years we've been apart"

"Why don't we talk about it later, I'm really hungry you know?" Harry says.

"Okay" Niall chuckles. 


"So, you wanted to talk" Harry says as he steps out of the bathroom. Niall is already laying on the bed, with his back against the headboard waiting for Harry.

"Yeah" Niall says and Harry sits on the bed in front of him so they are face to face. Niall is nervous. They've been a week together but they never really talked about what happened, and how things did change in those five years.

"Let's talk then" Harry says offering a reassuring smile as he can tell Niall is a bit tense.

"Well, I told you I had been into therapy" Harry nods "I left you because that's what I always did but at the same time I wanted to get better so I could come back to you and-" Niall tears start rolling down the cheek.

"Niall" Harry takes Niall's tiny hand in his both big hands "We don't really have to do this" he says as he wipes off Niall's tears with his thumb.

"No, no I really want to" Niall forces himself to smile.

"Babe, everything's okay, we don't have to do this"

"No, Harry please. This is my first relationship ever and I want to come clean" Harry nods and Niall continues "I still have insecurities. This last week there was a couple of times I thought that you eventually would get tired of me and leave me. I'm not completely fixed I guess I still have my moments, but in all this time I realized that there's a worse feeling than thinking you'll get tired of me and go away and it's actually being away from you. I don't know if you'll leave or where we're gonna be in five years, but I know I want to be with you now, even though I will want to run away sometimes, and it'll be hard but please, don't give up on me. Make me stay with you" Niall finishes and Harry can not contain the tears that are attempting to fall anymore.

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