
335 46 19

A/N:  Many thanks to Ripley and Ruth for Beta reading! :)
Another song, (or two) this time in a different situation.
I hope that you enjoy it! :)

"Remind me why we're here again?" Kota asked as he followed Gabriel, Nathan and a sullen looking Luke into the bar.
The door started to close, but Kota caught it, just in time. "Hey, watch it!" Kota shouted.
Luke turned to Kota, "Sorry, wasn't thinking," he murmured.
Gabriel shot Kota a look as they stood just inside the bar. With a tilt of his head, Gabriel might as well have shouted, "Leave him alone" for the entire bar to hear.

"Are you kidding me?" Nathan gasped.
"Oh," was all Kota managed to say.
They both stopped mid-step, once inside the bar. Gabriel and Luke made their way over to a table and pulled out two chairs.
Gabriel gestured toward the other two chairs. "Hurry up, you Fuckers! This place will be packed soon!"
Nathan looked around the bar and counted, eight, no, that would be, nine patrons in the entire bar. The bartender and one, yes, one waitress brought the total to eleven patrons in this... barn? Barn? Gabriel had brought them to a barn/bar.
Was that sawdust he felt under his feet? Nathan looked down at sawdust scattered beneath his feet; he then raised his gaze until he met Gabriel's, bright blue eyes, which were beaming with excitement.

Reluctantly, Kota and Nathan walked to the table and pulled out their chairs. Once they were seated, Gabriel said, "Man, I love this place!"
Nathan and Kota looked at each other and then at Luke, his sullen demeanour permeating the air towards the eleven "patrons" in the bar.

Gabriel waved to a couple of guys in the corner. Tattoos covered their arms. Bikers.
"Hey, Wyatt, Eli, Jacob! What's up bitches?" Gabriel shouted across the bar toward them.
"Gabe! My man! Where've you been, you Fucker?" Wyatt bellowed back.
"Around," Gabriel coyly answered.
"Don't you start no shit here tonight, Gabe," Jacob interrupted.
"We want a drink, a bit of pool and we've got some chicks headin' our way. We don't need you doing your shit, not today, y'hear? We ain't clearing your mess up, AGAIN."
Jacob glared at Gabriel, but it was hard not to see the slight twinkle in his eye as he admonished Gabriel, or the very slight turn up in the corner of his bottom lip, threatening to turn into a smirk.

"Fuck off!" Gabriel laughed back and gave them the finger.
A roar of laughter echoed from the corner of the bar.
"You're buyin'," he informed them.
Gabriel shouted at the bar keeper, "Yo, Stan, four, O'Doules on their tab."
Stan looked toward the bikers and with a slight nod of the his head, Eli, who had yet to speak, acknowledged Gabriel's order.

Gabriel looked at Nathan, Kota, and Luke, who were sitting with their mouths open. They couldn't speak. "What?" Gabriel asked innocently. "They're harmless, really nice guys actually, once you get to know them. They owe me."
Kota shook his head, "I don't even want to know how you met them and that statement, "they owe me," I'm lost for words..."

Stan placed four non-alcoholic beers on the table and walked away.
Gabriel raised his glass to the bikers in the corner, "To you, mother fuckers!"
Laughter echoed throughout the bar. Gabriel was oblivious to the irony of the situation.
Kota coughed after he swallowed his first mouthful, "that sure has a kick."

Gabriel laughed and turned toward Luke.
"Okay, time to tell them what's happened."
Luke was staring at the table, his beer untouched.
"Tell them, Luke, or I will," Gabriel continued.
"What's up, Luke?" Nathan asked. "I've never seen you like this. Ever. What's happened?"
"We're here for you," Kota spoke next. "Whatever it is, we can help."

Luke sighed and raised his eyes to look at his brothers.
"I lost a memory stick," he said.
"Explain," Kota encouraged.
"I was on the mission that Dr. Roberts asked me to help with. It was with a new team that he was putting together. He wanted a little extra help as it was a tough assignment."

"Go on," Kota persisted.
"Well, it was a bit touch and go. I got the stick. It wasn't easy, but I got it. When I went straight to my drop-off point to hand it over, it wasn't there. I've retraced my steps. Thought of every street I walked on. Every turn I made. Every person I saw on the way to my drop off point. Nothing. I can't explain it. It's just...gone," his words drifted, accompanied by a disappointed sigh.

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