A question...

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This is dedicated to all the writers who have tirelessly worked for update day. 10,000 words requires a lot of dedication to complete. To all the Beta readers, we would be lost without you. It is a skilled job, without doubt. 


"So, Amee Nineforone, how can I help you?"
"Well, firstly I appreciate you even considering this meeting, let alone accepting the invitation."
"Why wouldn't I accept your gracious invitation, Amee?"
"It is rather an unusual request. I don't think that you've ever been approached to take part in something like this. I'm right, aren't I?"
"Yes, you would be correct." A slight inclination of the head accompanies the answer.
"So, new territory, huh? I'm truly honoured." A grin and a flush of colour accompany the last question.
"Would you like more coffee, Amee?"

"Yes, please. An americano with cold milk. I've a feeling I'm going to need more than one. This could take a while. 10,000 words worth."


Owen Blackbourne and Amee Nineforone sit outside the cafe in Italy. Yes, it's THE cafe mentioned in Amee's tale of the Academy searching for Kota ; "Open your eyes."

Those who were gracious enough to read the story, recall a heart stopping moment where Owen sat outside the cafe, partaking in a conversation with a mystery person. The heart stopping moment however, wasn't the mysterious person; but the fact that Owen was dressed in an Armani suit.

So, today, sitting outside the same cafe, Owen is yet again wearing Armani. Dark navy trousers with a sheen, accompany a crisp white shirt with thin light blue lines that accentuate his slim, yet muscular physique. A thin navy tie completes the ensemble, whilst his suit jacket hangs, crease free of course, on the back of his chair. He sets his sunglasses on the table. Owen's presence has not gone un-noticed by the abnormal amount of females who seem to congregate within the immediate vicinity. Bees to honey.

"Shall we begin?" Owen gently asks.
"Um, yes, yes, let's begin."
"So, what would you like to know?" Owen takes a sip of his coffee.
Mesmerised, Amee breathes out, "Everything."

A millimetre smile appears.

"That! Right there! Let's start with the famous millimetre smile." Amee produces a grin.
"What? My smile?" Owen asks perplexed.
"Yes, Owen, may I call you Owen?" Amee tentatively asks.
"Of course you may call me Owen; after all this is your interview, Amee."
"Tell me about your smile? Why only a millimetre? Why not give an ear splitting grin like Gabriel does?"
"Yes, Gabriel does have an infectious smile. That isn't me however," He pauses. "I like control in everything... moderation. Yes, moderation might be a more apt description."
"I've heard rumours that you don't smile because you don't feel emotion like the rest of your team does. You seem to distance yourself emotionally from everything. Is that a fair statement?" Amee asks.

"I feel emotion, just like everyone else. I perhaps have however, perfected the task of keeping it all hidden, here," he points to his head "and here," he then points to his heart.
"Facial expressions can show vulnerability. Perhaps, I don't want to display that?"
"Is laughter a vulnerability too, Owen? We've never seen you laugh. That one millimetre smile is as close as we're going to get as a display of emotion, I fear." Amee eyes lower as she looks saddened. She moves just a fraction in the chair.

"Don't feel sad for me, Amee."
Amee's head jerks up, "What? Oh!"
"I see the sadness in your eyes; don't feel sorry or sad for me. I feel just like everybody else, only I choose to keep it locked away. Perhaps, as the stories progress, you'll see a different side to me? Maybe a two millimetre smile?" Owen teases.

Owen takes a sip of his coffee. Then, in a preemptive move, he reaches for his sunglasses, which rest upon the table.
"Don't! I don't want you to cover your eyes," Amee says.
Owen's hand remains on the sunglasses; neither pulling them towards him, nor pushing them away.
"Your eyes," Amee continues, "readers seem to be fascinated with your eyes."
"Really?" Owen asks. " 'Fascinated with my eyes', that's an interesting concept."
"Yes, the descriptions are apt and now that I've seen your eyes for myself," Amee states.
"I'm most certainly looking into steel grey eyes, Owen Blackbourne. They are stunning, just stunning." Amee continues.

"Tell me what you see, really see," Owen quietly asks.
"I see eyes, as grey as the steely determination that flows through them. I see eyes that have witnessed pain, suffering, desperation and loss. I also see eyes that show kindness, happiness, hope and love," Amee whispers.

Silence descends and the conversation is momentarily halted.

"Some people believe that you can see someone's soul through their eyes. I believe that," Amee interrupts the silence. "I only trust what I can see, unfortunately for some. I believe that truth, honesty and integrity cannot hidden or masked. I see those qualities in your eyes. I trust you."
"There isn't really a reply to that, Amee. Some day, however, I'll tell you what I see in your eyes."
Amee blushes.

Owen signals to the passing waiter. "Un caffe per la signora si prega." (A coffee for the lady please.)
"I'm going to need this, Owen. I hope you know that?"

Just think of it as two friends, sipping coffee, in the beautiful Italian sunshine, having a stimulating conversation," Owen simply states.
Amee ponders Owen's statement. The waiter returns depositing a fresh cup of coffee, which Amee takes a sip of.

"Family." Amee looks into Owen's eyes. "Tell me what family means to you, personally."
"Family is a choice. Family first, Academy second..." Owen recites.
"No, Owen, that is not what I meant. We all know the motto. What I wanted to know, what exactly is family, to you, personally?" Amee pursues.
Owen sighs, "I know what you meant."

"Family," Owen speaks carefully, " Sean, Kota, North, Nathan, Silas, Victor, Luke , Gabriel and Sang. That is my definition of family. If you want to delve further into what family consists of, then you need to look into each and every one of their personalities; take all of the qualities they posses, add my own and then you have family. Academy family. My family. We are one. We are together, no matter what life throws at us. We are united in the sorrow and happiness that life brings. We will stand together, always."

"Families can be divided Owen. Conflict, love, loss..."

"No, not us. We are different. The belief that we have in each other is unyielding. Our situation is different. Our story is different. Everything about us is different, yet that is what makes us unique, is it not?" Owen asks.

"Yes, Owen, I do have to agree with you," Amee concedes. "I think, that because your story is different, unique as you put it, that's what makes it fascinating. Most people struggle to find love in their lifetime. Love seems to have found nine of you, despite each of you having different circumstances."

"Yes, Sang did find us, even though our circumstances were somewhat unusual."
"Sang. Tell me about Sang," Amee asks.
"What do you want to know?" Owen responds.
"What is it that makes Sang so special to you, Owen? Describe her."

"Sang is just...well...Sang.
How do you describe someone who is sincere?
How do you describe someone who is kind?
How do you describe someone who is honest?
How do you describe someone who is faithful?
How do you describe someone who is trustworthy?
How do you describe someone who is smart?
How do you describe someone who is funny?
How do you describe someone who is persistent?
How do you describe Sang?
How can all the statements I've made, even scratch the surface of such an amazing person?
They can't.
Sang cannot be described; at least, not by me."

"Wow." A stunned Amee stares at Owen.
"That was...well...just profound Owen. That was beautiful," she whispers, "Sang is so lucky to have found you."

"We are the lucky ones, Amee. Unknown to her, she is the guiding light in each and every one of our lives."

Amee sits and ponders over Owen's words. She quietly sips her coffee. Her questions are no more.

What else is there to say?

What else is there to ask?


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