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Taysa slung the camera case over one shoulder, her laptop bag on the other, the handles of her handbag bunched up in the crook of her elbow and stepped out the front door, locking it behind her.

Placing all her baggage in the backseat of her 4 month-new Mercedes SUV, she pulled out of her driveway and onto the road.

Taysa was on her way to Ardeley, Hertfordshire. Word about Salvatore Ferragamo's newest Vintage Workhouse opening in Ardeley had spread faster than green milk, and paps and budding stylists and amateur writers and critiques and everyone was hounding for a chance to see the interiors of the place and the newest collection that was yet to be showcased to the world.

Turning up the volume on the radio, Capital Breakfast's signature audio tone filled the speakers of the car, immediately followed by the introductory acoustics of Story Of My Life by One Direction.

What a way to start off the journey.


I believe not a lot of you'll know who exactly Taysa Jade Choler is. That's my job to explain.

Taysa Choler is the assistant to the Editor-in-Chief of FashionMirror U.K., Chelsea Evans. But yeah, that's not it. She's also a columnist for 5 months and the layout organizer since 3 months from when she took up the job around 9 and a half months ago.

Her senior, Emma Blakely was earlier the layout organizer, but with the burdens that come with being the International Representative for the British Headquarters of FM , and the Coordinator between the magazine and their sponsor management, Modest!Management (yeah, the one with the blue logo and exclamation point), it was only so long until she gave out.

But with Taysa's coming into the job, Emma couldn't have been happier.

Taysa hailed from the town of Wolverhampton, now quite famous for fairly significant reasons. She was your A-Grade student. With a squeaky clean image (and school uniform), Taysa had passed her GCSE's with a whopping 4 A's and only 1 B. Obviously, for someone so close to perfect, there would have to be an equal, if not bigger, share of hardships.


Bullies in the form of her peers, if you could call them peers at all, bullies in the form of stereotypical popular girls, bullies in the form of the ignorant and nonchalant portion of the student body who derived entertainment from seeing a rather nerdy, skinny girl getting picked on, bully in the form of her own mind. And for what? Being smart? Weak? Defenseless? Ambitious? She'd never ever know.

She'd seen every part of the darker side from every angle, and she knew, that things would only get better.

Once she graduated from her personal hell hole, she got into the University of London on a full scholarship (obviously), double - majoring, in English and Journalism. However, her love for all things Science was clearer than the skies.

Halfway through her 3-year course, she applied for a job at the then 3-year-old FM U.K., and within a week, she'd bagged the job. Although she didn't really fill in the space until graduation.

And here she was, driving to Ferragamo's Workhouse, with the opportunity of giving the world the first ever insight of the first ever blatantly public work studio of his, this chance being given to no one in the world but her.

And no, before you think this is a stale, stereotypical, cliché, Lanky Nerd Turns Out To Be Unbelievably Gorgeous And Successful Story. Its not. Although that, she was. Gorgeous, I mean.


Pulling to the front of the at least 20 feet tall, pure iron gates of the Workhouse, Taysa rolled down her window and took off her sunglasses. The security guard walked up to her car.

No one was even let inside, yet. That privatised?

"May I know your name and purpose of visit, Miss?"

"Taysa Choler, columnist, FashionMirror U.K."


A/N: i mean my girl's pretty rad vote for her sake thx.



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