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Taysa ended the call with Chelsea, before typing up a message for the boys.

Mock photo shoot tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. Dress casual. And try to be on time. Please. - Tay x

It had been four days since Taysa and the boys were formally introduced, 3 days since the boys got her number, 2 days since all five of them have been blowing up her phone (from silly memes to updates about every single thing they've eaten since they woke up), 1 day since Liam texted her Good Morning with that cute, blushy emoji, and about a minute since Taysa got off the phone with Chelsea, regarding the fact that the boys needed to have their mock shoot as soon as possible because she wanted them to be on the cover of next month's issue and, she won't be coming into the office till late afternoon the next day.

Literally seconds after she sent the message to the five of them, they blew up her phone, again.

Lou: what the fuck is a mock photo shoot?

and are we staying for lunch?

have you contacted lou about this? we don't usually do photo shoots without her


are we staying for lunch? did you have lunch yet?

and who are we mocking?

Z: what is that? and is it ok if my shirt sleeves are long? its gettin kinda cold these days xx

Liam: Tay, who are we shooting?

H: Is this an indoor shoot? H x

Taysa cringed and laughed at the same time. This was the world's biggest boyband? Really, now?

Lou: Tay? you there?

Taysa sighed before calling Louis, then adding the boys for a conference call.

"Hello?" Niall spoke.

"Hi, Tay!" Louis said, but it sounded a bit muffled. "Hold on," then there were sounds of chewing and gulping, "Sorry, yeah, what was it?"

"Okay, so you guys are on conference an-"

"Really?" Niall near yelled. "Hi boys!"

Then were cheers of "Nialler!" and "Lads!" and some more things that weren't quiet clear. As the boys calmed down Taysa spoke again.

"Are you'll done? May I talk now?" Taysa drawled.

"Oh hey, Tay!" Zayn chimed. "Wait, that rhymed..."

Since exchanging numbers, Louis figured that he'd rather call her 'Tay', and everyone insisted on doing the same.

"Yeah, okay. Hello to you guys as well... I'm assuming you guys have never done a mock photoshoot ever before?"

In reply to the series of the No's and Never's Taysa explained evrything they needed to know.

"So, it is a mock photoshoot that FM does with their cover featuring clients, with the all the filters in place before we do the actual photo shoot. You'll can wear any clothes you'll like, that's no problem, but we need a couple good pictures just to have a rough idea of whether to carry on with the effects we'll add. Oh, and these pictures are also sent to our main editing committee for approval."

"Wait, so you guys are like, going to airbrush and photoshop or something?" Louis asked.

"No, Louis," Taysa rolled her eyes, "Its filters. FashionMirror doesn't use photoshop for covers. And none of our covers or in fact, any of the pictures that feature in the magazine, are unfiltered."

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