Thank You :)

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Some people do this so why not me.

I would like to thank you guys for reading and voting and commenting. It means so much to me that some one actually cared enough to read and give it feedback. That's what kept me going and that's what helped me finish the book.

Now. I have something I want to try. Character asks.

I need you guys to really comment. I don't want you to ignore this and continue on with your life. I want questions

So below I'll put each character Niall, Harry, Liam, Dr. Malik, and Louis. And I want you to inline comment on the name and ask a question.

Now this won't happen until I get at least 10 questions and it can't just be one person so please COMMENT






Please give me appropriate questions and by all means ask each character. Remember it won't happen until I get 10 questions.

Happy questioning!

Katie xx

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