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"You're just the cutest baby ever aren't you..." Niall cooed to his baby girl as he was prepping to bring her home. She had a pale pink striped onesie on along with her white tights and a fluffy tutu. Daisy was staring up at Niall with her wrinkled confused look.

Then there was Oliver with his pale blue striped onesie and grey sweats. He fell asleep right after Niall had changed him and fed him. The baby was out with a mitten covered hand on his face. Niall chuckled and kissed him and then picked him up to put him in the car seat.

He then turned to Daisy and picked the newborn up gently and began to feed her before he sat on the chair. He hummed to her and he watched her right as Harry walked in. "Morning love..." He said with a smile. He walked over and kissed his lips. "You ready to go?" He asked.

"Mhm...just got to feed the little one here." He said looking back to the newborn who was still slurping hungrily.

Harry nodded and collected the stuff and pulled Oliver's car seat up to the bed and made sure he was okay. He smiled seeing him sleep peacefully.

Niall felt Daisy unlatch which signaled for him to burp the child. He patted her back slightly and a little burp was heard. Niall smiled and kissed the little girl before placing her in the car seat. Pink gloves were slipped on and the two were officially ready to leave.

They signed discharge papers and then they were off. Once they were buckled in, and Niall made especially sure they were, they headed home. "

+ + +

The next week was hectic for the family. Niall was getting used to these new babies and having to be at their call when they needed. Once one was feeded the other wanted food as if it was jealousy. Once they would be fed one would have a nasty spit up or a poo. But that's what Harry's job was.

Gemma had came over that day. She grown really attached to Daisy. Daisy seemed to like her too. At least she wasn't like Oliver who would grunt loudly when he would be handed off. Perhaps he was a momma's boy.

"I might kidnap this little sunshine." Gemma said with a wink. Niall gave her a glare and an eye roll telling her it wasn't funny. He then turned back to folding and organizing some stuff.

Daisy then began to make fussy sounds causing Niall to turn and pick up the child. "My child." He said sticking his tongue out.

Daisy nuzzled her face against Niall's chest and he figured it was feeding time. He laid the baby down in her swing causing her to scrunch her face up at the fact that she was very close to getting her food.

Niall pulled off his shirt before he picked up the baby and cooed at the child as she ate. Niall sat down and he hummed to her. The fussing died down when she got the source of her food and instantly began to slurp. "Little pig I swear..." He chuckled stroking her cheek.

Then the doorbell rang and Gemma ran up to get it. Niall thought nothing of it until his mother was walking in. If it wasn't for the fact that his child was nursing right now he would of jumped on her.

"Get out." He said sternly.

"I just wanted to come see my grandbabies..." She said. Niall shook his head

"No...you lost that opportunity when you gave me up..." He said with a glare. Daisy was done by then and Niall stood up with her against his shoulder. He patted her back until that burp was heard and he placed her next to her brother who was on his bouncer. He watched them for a second before turning to his mother. "Leave now!" He said in a whisper shout.

"I'm your mother." She said in a glare. Niall watched her for a second before he chuckled.

"Tell that to the money you got when you sold me." He said before pushing her out and slamming the door. He sighed and looked to Gemma when she walked out from the living room.

"Should I even ask?" She asked. Niall shook his head. "It's nothing." he said with an obvious fake smile.

+ + +

"So my mum...came by today..." Niall said as he was giving his babies a bath. He was cleaning Daisy while Harry was cleaning Oliver.

"She did? What did she want?" He asked.

"She wanted to see the kids." He said as he gently wiped the soap out of Daisy's hair. She had her eyes barely open and her fists closed together.

Harry sighed as he was washing Oliver's body carefully avoiding his almost falling off umbellical cord. "What did you do with her?" He asked.

"I told her to get out...and she used the fact that she was my mother against me." Niall said with a half hearted chuckle.

"My fathers been calling me lately." He said. Niall gulped and he looked up to Harry. "He claims he wants to make up...but I don't believe him." He said with a sigh."

"Your father and my mother should hook up." Niall said with a sigh when he eventually cleaned Daisy. He smiled to her and kissed her wet tummy multiple times causing her to grunt and thrash her arms at him. He chuckled and swaddled her in a warm towel.

"We need to get a restraining order against them." Harry said finishing too and doing the same. The parents then walked to the nursery.

"That would help...but I think we should move." Niall suggested as he put a clean cloth diaper on Daisy and then adding her night time jammies which was a pink onesie with a little bow in the center. Niall smiled at her and picked her up to cradle her and get the baby to sleep.

"You do have a point..." Harry said. "I'll look at houses tomorrow." He said with Oliver also in his night time jammies.

"Thank you." Niall said with a smile.

The babies were then laid down in their cribs when they've fallen asleep. Niall watched as Harry watched them and then he looked to the ring that was on his finger that Harry gave him.

He had chosen the right man.

A/N Yay update! Basically I've been sick and bored so this was my cure to boredom (:

Any who comment: #narryparents if you enjoyed this chapter.

Also vote and that stuff


Katie xx

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