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Picture of nursery above :)

Niall and Harry had eventually finished the nursery. Niall was happy with it which meant Harry was. Harry would make sure Niall was happy no matter what.

However the past few days have been filled with Harry being caught up with work. Which meant Niall wouldn't be around him a lot. Which sucked because Niall would need certain things which meant he had to rely on Liam for anything. Liam wasn't around for most of the time so it frustrated Niall.

It was one of those instances where Niall was craving something sweet. But of course he needed to be careful because of his peanut allergy. Niall didn't know what would be good or not until he saw some jello. Niall huffed at how high up it was. And Niall wasn't exactly the biggest.

So Niall looked to Harry's closed office door and he bit his lip. Would it be a bad idea entering his office? He didn't know but he took a deep breath and walked to it. He knocked quietly and waited. No answer.

He carefully took a hold of the doorknob and quietly opened the door. He peaked inside and he saw Harry passed out on his desk. Niall sighed and he walked over to him. He didn't like how Harry was with this work thing. So he gently shook him trying to get him up.

"Haz..." He said quietly. Harry soon fluttered his eyes open and looked to Niall. Which only came out as a groan and Niall sighed when he closed his eyes again. "Haz come on...we can go cuddle on the bed." He offered.

Harry muttered an okay and the two walked to the bedroom and Niall let Harry lay down first before he cuddled up to him. "You can't overwork yourself... Its bad for you..." Niall said.

"Mmm..." Harry replied. Niall chuckled with a yawn. He closed his eyes and he snuggled his head up against Harry


Niall had woken up and he frowned when he didn't see Harry next to him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and he had a headache. Honestly he just wanted to cuddle with Harry. So he got up and went to look for Harry.

Niall walked around the house and looking through each room. He sighed and then groaned. He really didn't want him to be in the room he was thinking of. But he walked that way and sure enough when he entered he saw Harry working on his work on the desk.

"Seriously? All I ask is that you would take a break!" He said. Harry looked up with a raised eyebrow

"Niall I can't take a break...you just don't understand." Harry replied.

Niall sighed. "Okay maybe I don't understand but I do know that you're over working yourself."

"Niall Niall...I'll be fine." Harry said trying to get him to calm down.

"No Harry. I found you literally passed out on your desk. You barely get sleep and you barely eat. You're gonna literally work yourself to death." Niall argued. Harry looked to him and he just got back to his work. "You don't even care do you..." Niall said.

"Of course I care...but I HAVE to get this work done! So please...leave it be." Harry said. Niall looked away and felt the tears in his eyes.

"Fine..." He said with a sigh. He turned and he quickly walked off. He pushed past Liam who was just walking in with groceries. Liam sighed and he went to put the groceries away. Just as he was about to go see Harry, he was stopped by Harry himself.

Harry looked dead and Liam was just as worried as Niall was. "Liam...Niall is mad because of me..." He muttered.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows seeing Harry look as if he was about to fall over. And sure enough Harry was tilting forward. Liam was quick to catch him and he groaned a bit as Harry was heavy. "God dammit Harry..." Liam said.

He then dragged the boy to the hospital wing.


Niall bursted in the room and his eyes landed on Harry. He was currently sleeping from what it looked like. "Haz..." He said with a sigh. He ran a hand through the curly hair of his and kissed his forehead.

"He will be fine." Dr. Malik said. Niall looked back to him with a sigh and nodded.

"All I wanted was for him not to overwork himself." Niall said. Dr. Malik nodded in understanding and he left the two be.

Niall turned to Harry and he watched him as he slept. Niall admired his beauty. How his eyelids fluttered from him sleeping and how he breathed evenly in his sleep.

Niall always envied him, from the minute he had stepped in this house he wondered how someone could of been so beautiful.

Niall yawned realizing he was still tired and he bit his lip hesitant before he crawled into the bed next to Harry and was asleep in seconds.


Harry woken up after a while feeling a heavy weight on him. He looked down and smiled at Niall cuddled up against him. Then he remembered everything and guilt suddenly struck him. He let out a sigh and kissed the boy's head.

Then Dr. Malik walked in and smiled. "How are you feeling Mr. Styles?" He asked. He pulled out a swivel chair and sat on it to look at him.

"I told you just to call me Harry. And I'm feeling okay. A little fatigued." He said.

"Well over working yourself will do that to you. You're gonna have to take a couple days break, to get the rest you truly need...maybe you and Niall can have some one on one time." Zayn said quirking his eyebrow at him. Harry of course had his mind lead to the dirty side of his imagination.

Zayn left the two be and that's when Niall woke up. He gasped seeing Harry awake. He quickly hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Hello to you too." He chuckled.

"Don't do that to yourself again! I was worried sick!" Niall said trying to attempt intimidating. Which really didn't work.

"I know I'm sorry...I was a dick..." Harry said looking at him.

Niall sighed before pecking his lips gently. "Just don't hurt yourself like that again...I don't want to lose you... I mean I already thought I lost you once. I can't lose you again." Niall said.

"Niall..." Harry began with a sigh. "You won't lose me. I promise you." Harry said. Niall looked to him and he held up his pinky. Harry chuckled a bit before interlocking pinkies with Niall.

A/N So there was my attempt at drama

Now! I'm gonna have you decide. Do you want #narryfluff or #narrysmut next chapter. Comment below pls!!!

Also vote and that stuff


Katie xx

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