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Song of the Chapter: iT's YoU - Zayn

Liam knew something was up with Niall when he wouldn't come downstairs the next day. Niall would always be the early bird and come down to meet up with Liam to help with breakfast. But it was almost noon at this point.

Liam looked up when a groaning Harry shuffled into the kitchen. He had a hand on his forehead from the massive headache his hangover caused. When he smelled the bacon frying he groaned loudly and began to leave again. "Haz..." Liam called out.

"What?" He snapped at the doorway for the kitchen. Liam sighed.

"Can you go check up on Niall?" Liam asked. "I want to know if he's awake or not." He said.

Harry looked back to him with a raised eyebrow look. "Why does it matter to you?"

"Because I want to make sure he's okay." Liam said with a simple shrug.

"Well he isn't your problem, so I don't see why you'd bother." He said with an eye roll. Liam grew agitated at that. He wished Harry would consider Niall something other than a problem.

"Well someone has to watch over him." Liam said as he began to cut up a pepper for omelets.

"What makes you think you're the one for the job?" Harry asked

"Because." Liam began and looked him in the eye. "You're too busy for him and someone has to."

"I run a business Liam." Harry growled.

"Yeah is part of your business running off with your ex and coming home completely drunk?!" Liam said snapping back.

"You...you don't understand." Harry muttered as he began to walk out.

"What don't I understand Harry?!" Liam snapped. Harry stood there not turned to him but staring at the door.

"Its something between me and my father." He said. Liam stared at him for a while, before Harry shook his head. "I'm gonna check on Niall." He said before walking out, leaving Liam in worry.


Harry walked to Niall's bedroom and slowly opened the door. It was dark, where the sun wasn't touching. He glanced to Niall's bed which was slightly shined on by the sun beaming through.

"Hey Niall, you should get up. Liam is worried about you." He said. No reply was heard and Harry rose an eyebrow. He grew a grin hoping he could play around with him. "Nialler...time to get up..." He walked over and pounced on the bed which was supposed to be where Niall was but there was nothing, just pillows.

"Niall?!" Harry called out in panic. He looked around the room with wide eyes. "Niall come out! The game is over!" He said hoping Niall wasn't playing a game. Harry got up immediately and hurried downstairs. This was bad.


"Why on earth did he run away?" Liam asked walking with Harry down the streets of London. Harry didn't respond but kept his eyes wide open and looked for the precious blonde boy.

"What if he's hurt Liam. What if he is scared? WHAT IF SOMEONE TOOK HIM..." Liam stopped and took a hold of his arm.

"This isnt the time to be panicking." He scolded. Harry nodded and tried to hold back the small tears. He never knew he could be this worried about someone ever in his life.

The two continued to look all over the busy streets of London and all Harry could think of was the worst. He didn't want to picture Niall in his child phase all alone in this town. He would feel awful if his poor nialler was hurt.

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