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You're gonna either love me...or hate me. So...enjoy xx

Song of the Chapter: tRuTh - Zayn

Niall was up early in the morning and he looked around. He was in the living room. He remembered the events from last night. He let out a sigh and he sat up suddenly feeling hungry.

He trudged to the kitchen and he didn't see Liam in the kitchen. He frowned and shrugged before he went to the fridge. He hummed looking around. He saw pizza, that Liam must have had while he was in Paris.

He pulled it out and just ate it cold, not really feeling the need to use the microwave. He was fine eating the whole pizza slice at first, but then after a few minutes he bit his lip and felt suddenly nauseous. He thought it was just some dumb feeling that would subside eventually.

However it wasn't and he sprinted to the bathroom and he barely made the toilet before his stomach wretched and all of the contents of his stomach were puked out. He groaned and he put a hand to his head. "Daddy..." He called with tears. He just wanted Harry's support. He just wanted Harry's comfort. He just wanted, Harry

Seconds later Liam opened the door and he stopped short seeing the scene. "Ni..."

"Liam..." Niall whined obviously in his child state. "I want Daddy..." Liam sighed before he walked over and helped Niall stand up. Niall kind of acted like dead weight because all he wanted was to stay curled up in a fetal position

A warm washcloth was given to Niall and he was told to clean his face off. When Niall was all clean on his face Liam instructed that Niall should brush his teeth to get the nasty vomit taste out of his mouth. Liam only rubbed his back assuringly. Once Niall finished he just looked down sniffling.

Liam sighed. "You're obviously in no shape to go anywhere." That caused Niall to look up instantly and he shook his head quickly "You're crying and you..."

"No! I have to go!" Niall said interrupting him. That made Liam smirk a bit.

"Then stop sniffling and come on. I have a plan." He said. Well Liam was hesitant with Niall puking, but he knew he was gonna get no where if he tried going without Niall. He was just going to have to take his chances


Harry was suddenly blinded by lights turning on. He groaned and looked to the man who walked in. He walked over and placed food on the table that stood in the room. Harry watched him as he came over and untied him before the guy hurried out so Harry couldn't escape.

Harry couldn't help but let out a sigh as the door slammed shut. He then glanced to the food. He got up and walked over to the table. He glanced down at the food which was a pathetically cooked version of Mac and Cheese. Looking at that made Harry not even hungry. So he rolled his eyes and turned away from it. He preferred not to eat.

He then thought about Niall. What could his poor boy being doing now. All Harry wanted to do was hug him and treat him like his baby boy.

Then he sighed just thinking about this place. Niall didn't deserve to even be here. Hell no one did, it was a sick place. Harry made it a goal that he would find some way to make sure it would be destroyed.

He turned suddenly when the door opened and Harry sighed seeing Mr. Simmons walk in with an angry look. Harry was curious and he crossed his arms. "Something bothering you?" He asked.

Mr. Simmons looked to him angry before he nodded to one of his men that stood behind him. The man came over and grabbed Harry and dragged him back to the chair. The curly lad was then tied to the chair again. "Something is bothering Mr. Styles." Mr. Simmons said making Harry look up. He felt that this something was his fault.

"I'd like to know.." Harry said glancing to the man who had finished getting Harry tied up.

"I was checking Niall's medical records. The doctors found out something very interesting. Would you like to know what this thing was." He asked. Harry rose his eyebrows giving him a silent answer. "Niall is pregnant."

Harry stiffened and his eyes practically widened. Pregnant? That couldn't be possible. Niall was a boy, boys didn't get pregnant. "Surprised? Because in this business it happens quite frequently." He said. Harry was way too shocked for words. "The irritating part is that no one wants a pregnant sex slave." He said.

"Well then just let me have him. He'll be out of your hair and everyone's happy." Harry said. Mr. Simmons' scowl then turned into a smirk which led to a chuckle. Harry sighed. He knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"I can manage to find a solution. I mean he's only a couple weeks along. Might as well just abort it." He said. Harry growled and struggled in his restraints. That was his child he was talking about. His child.

"You're not gonna lay a hand on either of them." Harry snapped. That made the evil man chuckle again.

"Harry I have more power than you, silly boy." He said with a smirk. Harry glared at him. "I might as well tell you what else I was planning."

"I don't want to hear anymore of you're shitty plans." He growled.

"I'll tell you anyway." He shrugged before he walked closer. "I can't have you and Niall causing anymore problems with my business. So I have a friend from the north. He will take Niall from there." He said and he walked closer. He grabbed Harry's jaw and made him look him in the eye. "And as for you. I can't have you blabbing all this information out. I really do hope you can swim." He said

Little did the two know someone was listening. Hannah gasped hearing the whole plan and she quickly hurried off

A/N This is shit but oh well. Oh and there's almost a few more chapters before, sadly, the end. Ik! Keep your tears contained. It will be a pretty good ending. :')

Any who: Comment #preggoniall if you enjoyed this chapter

Also vote and that stuff


Katie xx

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