Chapter 11

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Crystal Blue filed into their shared bedroom and looked directly at Michael while he got dressed for the premiere of his first movie, "The Wiz". "Can we talk for a moment, please?" She requested kindly.

"Sure, my love. What's on your mind?" He asked nicely.

"How come I can't come with you? I would love to be right next to you to see your very first movie ever. I am so proud of you." She said with a smile.

"Why, thank you." He blushed slightly, "But it's closed invitation. I'm sorry Honey, but they'll suspect something. And plus, no one would know you, and they would definitely know that we actually did get married. I thought we talked about this, you know. Keeping all of this a secret."

She nodded and folded her legs, "Right. I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Oh, its alright." He snickered. "You're so cute."

She rolled her eyes and blushed, "I wanna say one more thing."

"What's that?" He asked as he pulled on a black blazer.

She hesitated before speaking. She knew that everytime she brought up the word "job", Michael would get upset. "It's um, it's just that I was looking, and I saw a nice job offer for--"

"Crystal, don't start with me. Not right now, I am not in the mood." Said Michael through clenched teeth. You could tell that he was indeed upset because he never addressed Crystal Blue by her first name.

"Michael, please. Just hear me out. I don't understand why you feel that I can't get a job! I just don't want to sit around the house all day doing nothing; I need to be kept occupied, Michael."

"Well, why should you need a job when I'm already right here taking perfect care of you?"

"Michael, it's not 1952 anymore, I am not your stay at home trophy wife! It is 1978 for crying out loud. Women are allowed to work, you know!" She cried, throwing her hands into the air.

He sighed, "Look Tate, I really don't have time for this right now." He said as he placed his wedding band under his pillow and grabbed his things. "I'll see you tonight, okay? I love you." He kissed her cheek and rushed out of their place.

"Who in the world is 'Tate'?" She asked herself, "And why did he just mistake me for this 'Tate' person?"


"Meredith, I'm in trouble." She said as Meredith walked inside of Hu Hot and sat down across from her in the booth. "It's Michael."

Meredith got comfortable and ordered a lemonade, then looked at her sympathetically, "What's up, best friend?"

Crystal Blue shook her head and looked at the table as a tear fell from her eyes. "Michael and I aren't the same. Maybe I'm overreacting, but something's up, and I know it."

"Talk to me, Blue."

"Well first off, we argue nonstop. The main thing we always argue about is me getting a job, though. I don't understand why he doesn't feel I don't need a job. Of course I don't need it, but I want it. I can't sit around all day, you know."

"But Blue, your husband is Michael Jackson, have you forgotten?"

"Yeah, I know that, but who am I? A nobody? I need an occupation too!" She said, growing frustrated.

"No, you know what I mean." Said Meredith. "You're so much more than a nobody Blue, and you know that."

She shook her head as she looked down in shame, "It doesn't feel that way."

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