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Just so you all know. This story has Inuyasha inflenses. Like the Demons and magic and stuff. Yes Ren is directly related to one of the Characters. But you have to guess:) Thats puppy Ren in the pictute. But she has golden eyes, so just imagine them that color if you like.


Fear. That is what I felt. The emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is likely to cause pain, or is a threat. 

I had rarely held fear in my short life. The most threatening thing I had encountered until then was the imaginary monsters under the bed or in the closet. Which were easily defeated by my father's soothing voice.

But they were a real threat. They wanted to cause pain.

My father was not considered a kind demon. He was cunning and intimidating. This alone earned him many enemies, or so I assume. These enemies have taken it upon themselves to get rid of my father.

It started like a normal night home. My mother was helping me get ready for bed; my father, in his study finishing up on paper work. It was normal. Peaceful.

It had all happened so fast to me. One moment my mom was brushing my silvery white hair that faded to a blood red at the ends. And the next, there was a loud popping noise sounding from somewhere in the house. My mother's clawed hand taking my smaller one and dragging me to the backyard, before looking into my scared and confused golden eyes and telling me to run and not look back.

I might have been only seven, but I knew not to question her. So I ran straight into the forest behind our house. For the next few days I kept running. I had barely stopped moving since that night. Afraid that if I stopped, the people that invaded my home would catch me.

Eventually I came across a field; a park like place with pretty flowers and insects flying around. '

Maybe there's some food around.' I thought to myself while scoping the open field for any edible items. Spotting a berry bush, the kind I had in my backyard. I headed straight for it; being more carnivore than anything else, I paused for a few seconds wondering if I should eat them or not. But it was either eat berries or go hungry; I choose the berries. So, I started picking the ripe ones and placing them into my mouth. As I was stuffing myself with berries, an object came flying through the bush, hitting me square in the face.

I lost my balance and fell back on my butt pinching my tail under me. "Owwww" I moaned. Rubbing my forehead with my hand.

"I'll get it" yelled a boyish voice from behind the bush. I froze in place thinking that it might be someone dangerous. I watched in horror as a figure came around the bush looking for the offending ball that now lay harmlessly on my lap. Once the figure appeared in my line of sight, I noticed two things;

One: It was a human boy. A skinny, brown-haired, green-eyed boy that looked around my age.

Two: He looked very, very, very confused.

Deciding that he looked harmless enough, I stood from my spot and approached him slowly. Clutching the ball in my hand. The boys eyes widened when he saw the cat-like ears on top of my head. Opening his mouth to speak or call for one of his parents most likely.

Before he could make a sound, I leaped forward. Knocking him to the ground and landed on top of him with my hands on his mouth; keeping him from making any loud noise.

"Shhhhhhh, please don't tell anyone I'm here" I whisper yelled, looking straight into his wide green eyes.

"Mmhmhnnn" He tried to say against my hand. I tilted my head a bit, not understanding why he continued to try to talk when I told him not too. 'Boys' I thought mentally shaking my head. "Okay, I'll let you go but you have to promise not to tell anyone; they might hurt me if they think I'm dangerous" I reasoned with pleading eyes.

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