Chapter 7

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We drove in the direction of what I would later find out was the hoover damn, in relative silence. I could sense that they were anxious about the battle to come. And heartbroken that not one but two of their comrades might lose their lives. I stayed in total denial; I would not loose 'Bee to the greedy curiosity of humans. And I will not allow Optimus to get himself killed. Not while I'm still breathing, I will not lose anyone else.

After some more silence, I decided to make my thought known. "Don't worry Ratch', I won't let Optimus do this to himself." I whispered to him.

"You are quite sure of yourself young one" Ratchet grumbled in response. "How do you know you can accomplish this feat?" he inquired.

"The same way I know that 'Bee will escape S7 safely with Sam and Mikaela." I said looking out the window. "Because I refuse to believe that losing is an option. I've already lost everything I cared about once; I'm not going to let it happen again. Sam is my brother and Mikaela could become part of the family soon. Also I've grown to really care about the Autobots, especially 'Bee." I ranted at the radio with a hard expression.

Ratchet seemed to contemplate my words before speaking again. "What has caused you to become so attached to Bumblebee?" he asked

I hesitated not sure if I should tell him that 'Bee was my intended. But Ratchet is a doctor right? He would understand. I breathed in deeply before opening my mouth to speak. "Do Cybertonians have mates? Like soul mates?" I asked, looking down to my paws.

"Yes we do. They are called sparkmates. But what does this have to do with Bumblebee" he said quizzically.

I scrunched my eyebrows at him a bit, not believing his denseness. "...Well, Demons have mates too. They are our most precious possession. Our souls other half incarnated into another being. But the chances of finding them in one lifetime are slim to none. Some may never even find their mates; I was extremely lucky" I explained. "He may not know it yet, but the gods have chosen Bumblebee as my mate." I finished, looking at anything but the radio.

Ratchet hummed, contemplated my words again. "I see, so you are bonded to him" he finally said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, and since we've met, our souls have been calling to each other. They've made an unbreakable bond. Because if this; If Bumblebee dies, I won't be far behind." I said softly. Ratchet was quiet for a while but responded with some words that took me a little by surprise.

"Cybertonians have similar customs." He said. "We mate for life, but lose ourselves if our spakmate dies." I smiled sadly at the radio.

"Then you understand why I can't lose him. Losing him now would destroy me. Call me selfish but I don't like the idea of being destroyed." I said, trying to lighten the mood worthy little joke at the end.

"Sometimes it is good to be selfish" Ratchet said with an amused tone. I laughed, thankful for the opportunity to relieve some stress. Ratchet joined me after a minute of letting me enjoy my little giggle fit.

Our laughs calmed down after a while. Wiping a stray tear from my eye, I smiled at the radio/Ratchet. "Thanks Ratch, I needed that." I said.

"It is of no consequence Ren; we are all quite fond of you. And no matter what happens, know that the Autobots are on your side." Ratchet said, warming the cabin in what I guess was a makeshift hug. ,

My smile broadened at the news. "I'm very fond of you guys too. And I will do everything I can to help you win the war." I declared, patting the seats.

But then my expression turned serious. "But seriously if they kill 'Bee. I'll hunt each and every one of them down, and make them wish they were never born." I growled tensely, turning back to my easy going mood in half a second.

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