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Sorry for not updating sooner! Life happened and i had to deal with it. :) Last update for a little while till i finish my next story. This one might continue on to the next movie, it depends on how well it's received. 


It's been about that week or two since the battle at Mission city. During this time, we have all been moved to some warehouse facilities in a desert place for safe keeping while the government did some damage control. We were all there; the Autobots, the Witwicky's and Mikaela, the soldier guys that we met in the city and even Simmons, you know the leader dude who kidnapped us? Yeah him.

When I had first seen him I immediately jumped him, intent on beating the shit out of him for hurting 'Bee. But I had only gotten a few punches in before the soldiers now known as Lennox and Epps had to pry me off and drag me to a safe distance. It took 'Bee and Ratchet a good hour and a half to calm me down enough to not attack Simmons again, and even then Ratchet had to give me a sedative. Thought I still glared at him every chance I got for the rest of the day.

As I had predicted, I almost completely broke down once all the adrenaline and excitement wore off. I had spiralled into a pit of self-hatred and depression for most of the week. I was angry at myself for not helping Jazz when he was in Megatron's clutches; instead I stood there like a complete idiot. But there's is nothing I could do about it except accept it and try and get on with my life. Though, this didn't stop me from isolating myself from everyone but 'Bee. I stayed in my demon form, only really joining the group whenever the government had new updates on everything.

I don't know why but I felt that I needed to keep my distance from everyone. Well not that it was very long for me, since I spent most of the week sleeping or out looking for something to eat. I'm sorry I may have a lot of respect for the military and what they do for our country; but their food is not adequate for my specific diet of fresh meat and vegetables. Anyway, I would go out at night when it was cool and go hunt for small animals that'll keep me going; and sleeping or bonding with Bumblebee during the day. It probably wasn't healthy that I wasn't socializing but it just felt right. I didn't want to bother everyone with my sadness.

By the end of the week Ratchet had somehow set up a little clinic area where he was giving everyone cheek ups. When it was my turn, I felt sort of out of place, since the last time I went to the doctor in my humanoid form was when I was seven. But then again going to the Vet is even weirder cuz' they touch your no- no parts every time to make sure they work properly. Ratchet just checked my vitals and stuff. He paid extra attention to my ears and tail. Curious as to how my species developed such traits. I just told him that it was exceptional breeding and powerful magic. This earned me a scowl from the good doctor.

He asked me many questions about our history and Physiology. I couldn't answer many of them, due to the fact that I didn't really have much knowledge about Demons in general. I was only in that community for seven years or so and there's only so much that seven year old's are told about things.

All in all the check up with Ratchet was what brought me out of my emotional rut. You see, during one of the more quiet moments I had taken to looking around the room. In the corner of the room, I noticed there was a metal slab that was about waist height for Ratchet, on top of the slab, laid a lifeless Jazz. I had been staring at Jazz for quite some time until Ratchet piped up; saying that Jazz was going to be fine. The attack from Megatron didn't quite reach his spark. He was mortally injured but still alive, barely, but still alive. According to Ratchet, Jazz was in stasis which I assume is Cybertonian slang for coma. He would heal, slowly but still heal. But he would live and be with his teammates gain.

That fact made me ecstatically happy, instantly offering my services to help with anything. Of course I offered to help after pocking Ratchet in the eye, for not telling me sooner. I may not be a mechanic but I can still help with getting tools and reaching small spaces. Ratchet agreed on the simple statement that me working and learning is better than me making kissy- face with 'Bee, as he so eloquently put it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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