Chapter 2

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It has been a few hours since we arrived home. Ron and Judy have retired to the backyard, to continue their little Yard-renovation project. Unlike Sam, I completely support them in having a beautiful yard. It's the best place to relax and unwind after a long day. Though, Ron doesn't really like it when I lay down on the grass. But if Mojo can do it, then dammit so can I.

Sam was in his room doing whatever he usually does when he's not with me. And I as taking the opportunity the adults were occupied outside and took a much needed shower. Apparently Sam heard that there was going to be a party at the lake tonight. So he wants to go and show off the fact that he has a car. That or he wants to oogle at some makeily girl that he's totally in love with, poor bastard. I don't care either way as long as I can spend a few hours in my humanoid form.

After my shower, I changed into the clothes I had brought with me. This consisted of another pair of jean shorts though these didn't have a comfy tail hole. Demons are very rare this far south, and people aren't the nicest too my kind. Apparently we have a bad history. So I don't always broadcast it; especially around asshole teenagers.

Giving myself a once over, I headed to Sam's room "Okay, I'm ready to go" I chirped, walking by him and sitting on the bed.

Sam looked at me with an almost sorry smile "Weeell about that.... You see..... Miles is coming with" he said, avoiding eye contact.

My face fell. "Oh come on Sam! I haven't been out in weeeeks, I need to stretch my legs." I complained.

"I know, I know I'm sorry but he made me promise to take him if I went." He said with a pleading look.

I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine, but I'm not going to be nice to him." I growled "And if he even tries to rub my belly, I'm biting him." I finished and transformed.

Sam nodded "I can live with that." He said, moving to the door.

We went downstairs and out the back door. As expected Ron and Judy were still outside, working on the yard. When we were walking out the door, I heard Judy say something about how the path tiles were wobbly and loose. I pranced across the yard and stopped next to the car door. Sam tried to follow me while yelling at his mom about Mojos 'Bling'. But he got scolded by Ron for walking on the grass. I smirked to myself as Sam argued with them. Thats what you get for bringing Miles" I whispered quietly; earning a curious whirl from the car. 'I should really give him a name.' I though, idly glancing at said car.

Eventually, Sam made it to the car and opened the door for me. I jumped right in and moved to lay down in the back seat; I'm really starting to like it, the seats are warm back there. Sam got in after me, and started the car. Smoke came out of the exhaust pipe and I faintly heard Judy calling Ron a cheapo.

We arrived at Miles's house a few minutes later. He was standing out front with a stupid grin on his face, looking at the car. Sam stopped the car as Miles approached us. He hopped in and greeted Sam, then turned and looked at me before smiling. "Hey there sweetie pie! How's my girl doing today" he said reaching out a hand to try and pet me.

I narrowed my eyes, ears going flat against my head; and growled threateningly bearing my teeth. His eyes widened, fear crossing his face. He retracted his hand instantly; turning back to Sam. "I guess she's not in the mood today" he said awkwardly. I just kept growling at him, giving him a deep bark before calming down and returning to my position.

Sam smirked at him "She just doesn't like you Miles." He said turning from the house. Miles just rolled his eyes and changed the subject with a quiet. 'Whatever'

Shortly after, we arrived at the lake. That's when Miles asked the same questions i've been asking myself. "Dude, are we even invited to this party?" he asked looking around.

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