Chapter 1

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The image is of Ren's demon form now as an adult. Remember that she's the size of a Grate Dane:)







The sound of Sam's alarm woke me from my sweet dreams of steak and potatoes. I stretched from my curled up position the corner of Sam's room— Where my large and comfy dog bed was placed— My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the bright morning light. Standing from my bed I made my way towards the beeping alarm clock next to Sam's bed. Looking tiredly at the still sleeping lump on the bed; otherwise known as Sam. 'Gods, how can he sleep with all this noise?' I thought to myself while shutting the alarm off with my paw. 'I blame the hormones' I answered myself, relishing in the silence of the room.

"SAM, Wake Up! You have school today" Judy, Sam's mom yelled from outside the door, slamming her hand against it for good messure. I smirked, stretched one last time before jumping on Sam's bed and lying on top of him.

"Saaaaaaaaammmm" I sing- songed into the direction where I assume his head is. "Wakee uuuppp, I'm starviiiiiinnng" I moaned, putting all my weight on him; nipping at anything I could reach.

You see, over the years, Sam and I have grown very close. Not the kind of close where we tell each other secret's and braid each other's hair.... Well that too, but I'm talking about the kind close where I've accidentally seen him naked more times than I care to count over the past decade. And Sam has been giving my demon form baths since we were seven. And when puberty hit, He had to buy me bras, underwear and other lady products. Yeah, we're practically married, except he's like my brother.

"Stop it, that hurts" Sam grunted from under the covers.

"I'll get off if you wake up and give me food" I said lifting my snout up in the air snootily.

"Fine, just get your fat ass off of me" Came his muffled reply.

I gasped and turned into my humanoid form, and glared at him.

"Sam! I'm not fat. My weight is perfectly healthy for my height and age you dick" I yelled hitting him after every word.

"OKayokayokayOKAY!; I'm sorry I didn't mean it, God" Sam yelled finally coming out from under the covers, trying to catch my wrist as I continued my assault. When he succeeded, he held me back as best he could before making a run for the door. 'The little bastard is getting stronger' I thought 'I should up my game.'

I let him go, knowing that I couldn't leave the room. It's been ten years, but I still haven't shown myself to Sam's parents. Just thinking about their scared faces staring at me made shivers go down my spine. I hesitate more now than before because at the beginning I didn't have a bond with them, and now I do. I'm a coward I know; but eventually, I'll come clean.

Breathing deeply, I stood from Sam's bed and headed toward the closet. When I opened the door I crouched down and felt the wooden floor, searching for the loose floorboard that hid my things from Sam's parents. Finding it, I lifted it up and reached for a change of clothes. Pulled out a pair of shorts, t-shirt and sneakers and put the board back in its place.

When I finished changing, I walked up to the door mirror with my hairbrush in hand and put my hair into my favorite half pony-tail, taking my time fiddling with my bangs.

I was taken from my vanity by the door knob turning. My eyes widened and I head-dived into the closet closing the door behind me. Afraid that it was Ron or Judy.

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