Prologue/ Warnings

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Cover: AnonymoulyBeautiful
Kellin's Point of View

"Mom this house looks creepy." I said looking around the new house or mansion actually. There was 2 staircases that lead to another hallway. Once I made it to the top of the staircase I saw the kitchen where mom is at talking on the phone, which is nothing new. My arms were starting to get sore from the heavy bags that I have been carrying.

"Mom where is my room?" I asked, she looked over at me annoyed because she was on the phone. She was always busy with her job, she owned a huge well known company with my dad and that's how we got this mansion.

"Just choose any." I nodded before walking to the second staircase, there was so many rooms to choose from until finally I came across a room at the end of the hall. Since I couldn't open the door with the two bags in hand I sat one down on the floor. Once I opened the door I gasped; the room was beautiful. The mat on the floor looked like rocks, all of the walls had mirrors even the ceiling had a mirror. The bed looked really comfortable so I jumped on it dropping my bags on the floor. I sighed in content and I looked at myself in the mirror at the top.

My hair was spread out on the pillows and I had my arms stretched out on the bed. There was still a lot of space on the bed. Before my room wasn't this big, we lived in a normal house and my mom thought it was too small even though it was just us three. I looked ahead and there was a door. I walked over to it and opened it. It was a closet, I think it will fit all my clothes because it was huge. The clothes i had wouldn't fill it up. I started unpacking and started feeling a presence with me but I just shook it off.

I felt someone grab my ass so I quickly turned around and saw no one. I furrowed my eyebrows and started looking around the room. Once I didn't find anyone I just shrugged. I finished unpacking and walked out of my new room.

I walked to the kitchen surprising myself because I didn't get lost. I saw my mom with my dad looking like they were in a serious conversation.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that the rooms are sound proof so if you need to call us just press the little speaker on the wall close to the door." She said and I nodded. I made myself something to eat then walked back upstairs.
Here are some warnings. This book will contain smut. Some of it will be rough. There will be profanity and a lot of sexual words. If any of this bothers I advice you to not read this book. Anyway keep reading if that doesn't bother you.

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