Chapter 31

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I got up limping from the floor still in pain, I had no idea what to do. I went to my bed and sat down, I put a pillow behind me and pressed my back against it. How do I get Vic back? I put my head in my hands and I started thinking, I don't know what those girls are capable of and I knew they weren't human since the ginger threw me to the wall.

I finally got a good idea so I grabbed my laptop that was beside me and typed in the same thing as last time. I found the site where the Latin words were at and I said them out loud. I took a deep breath and the room once again got cold.

Lynn appeared in front of me with a big smile on her face. "Hey Kell!" She exclaimed, her expression turned to worry once she saw the state I was in.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked and I bit my lip before explaining to her everything. "Was the girl a ginger?" She asked and I nodded my eyes getting teary again just thinking about Vic.

"I think I know who it is, come with me." She ordered snapping her fingers and we appeared in the same room as last time. "That ginger is such a bitch, she kicked me out of the little group because I never followed what she said. I wasn't going to let myself be ordered around so I talked back to her a lot and soon she got tired of me kicking me out." She exclaimed. My back didn't hurt as much as before so I was okay to stand.

"What is her name?" I asked. "Her name is Danielle."

Okay so there are have been many comments about Danielle. I get that many people don't like her but please keep your horrible comments to your self about her. If you don't like that is fine but please keep it to yourself.


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