Chapter One: The Crossing from England

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"We Pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack. Drink up —" Two young girls sang into the thick mist that lingered over the calm water, only to be interrupted by a firm hand on their shoulders. Startled, the girls spun around to face a sailor with dark leather skin, a white beard that didn't match his messy black hair, and small beady eyes.

"Quiet, missies! Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now, do ya?"

"Mr. Gibbs, that will do!" A man wearing a neat navy uniform and a black wig warned.

"They were singing about pirates." The old beady-eyed sailor argued, "Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."

"Consider them marked. On your way."

"Aye, Lieutenant. It's bad luck to have women on board, too... even miniature ones." Mr. Gibbs murmured as he walked away.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate." The younger of the two girls said,

"Think again, Miss Swann. Vile and Dissolute creatures, the lot of them." The lieutenant answered, "I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves — a short drop and a sudden stop." The young girls glanced at Mr. Gibbs who tugged at his scarf, miming a hanging and gasped. Another man also wearing a long curly black wig walked up to the Lieutenant,

"Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciate your fervor, but I'm, uh, I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughters." Norrington nodded his head.

"My apologies, Governor Swann,"

"Actually, we find it all fascinating," the older girl stated.

"Yes. That's what concerns me." The Governor said. The girls sighed and turned back to looking over the edge of the ship into the murky sea. Suddenly the youngest girl spotted a boy floating in the water on a board of wreckage.

"Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!" She cried pointing to him. The crew ran to that side of the ship and stared down as Norrington shouted orders.

"Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a hook! Haul him aboard." The sailors quickly got to work and heaved the unconscious young boy onto the wooden deck. The two girls stared at him hoping they weren't to late, he was still breathing. Just. At that moment, Mr. Gibbs stared at something at the other side of the ship.

"Mary, mother of God!" Everyone looked in that direction and saw a burning ship standing still in the smoky water. The older of the two girls felt frightened, never had she seen such a horrific sight.

"What happened here?" The Governor said, appalled.

"It's most likely the powder magazine." Norrington answered, "Merchant vessels run heavily armed." Gibbs then spoke up again.

"A lot of good it did them." Norrington glared at him as he carried on, "Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates." Governor Swann hurriedly intervened.

"There's no proof of that. It was probably an accident." No-one said anything.

"Rouse the Captain immediately! Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats." The Lieutenant ordered. Another sailor repeated his words yelling them to the crew. The Governor walked over to his daughters,

"Elizabeth, Rosabelle, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge." He said quietly, "Take care of him." The girls nodded and went to kneel down next to the boy. Suddenly, taking the two sisters by surprise, the boy awoke and grabbed Elizabeth's wrist.

"It's ok," she said breathing fast trying to cover up her shock, "my name is Elizabeth Swann and this is my sister Rosabelle."

"W-W-Will Turner," the boy stammered, fright danced in his young eyes.

"We're watching over you Will," the younger sister murmured before the boy fainted again. Then Elizabeth noticed something glistening against his pale chest, she picked it up and held it in her hand. It was a golden medallion decorated with a skull and strange symbols.

"You're a p-pirate," she whispered, then nudged her older sister who was staring out into the sea.

"Look!" Elizabeth mumbled, careful not to let anyone else hear, "I found this. He was wearing it. Belle, he's a pirate!" The girl stared at the medallion her sister held in her hand, looking astonished, she'd never seen a real pirate possession before.

"Has he said anything." Norrington said startling the girls. Rosabelle saw her sister hide the medallion behind her back.

"His name is William Turner. That's all we found out." Norrington then beckoned to some sailors.

"Take him below." Soldiers picked up the boy and took him down to the cabin below. Rosabelle watched Elizabeth examine the medallion closer and then, as she glanced up, she saw a ship with black sails and a pirates flag flying at its mast. Scared, she closed her eyes. 

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