Chapter Four: The Comandeer

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My whole body ached and my head was throbbing with pain. The early morning rays of sunshine filtered through the dining room window and onto my pale face. I stood up and clung onto a chair to stop myself from falling and walked slowly towards the window. The sky was cloudless and bright and the sea was again calm and twinkling, it was hard to believe that only last night Port Royal looked as if it was being put in a furnace. The houses were broken and windows, shattered. The townsfolk crowded the streets gathering their animals or searching through the ashes of their homes for their left-behind possessions. I regained my balance and since I was still in my night clothes, headed to my bedroom. The house was quiet. The maids weren't there, the butler was dead, my father was perhaps with the Commodore, and my sister had been taken. Tears blossomed in my eyes as I thought of this, I missed her and hoped she was alright. After all it was my responsibility as an older sister to look after her and I had failed. It was strange getting changed by myself, I had always had my maids to help me. But I could still manage it as I had watched Sarah and Ethel do it numerous times. I dressed myself into a plain red dress with ruffled sleeves, then places a ruby necklace around my neck and slipped on a matching bracelet and earrings. My dark locks I brushed into a high bun and touched my face with makeup. Once I had finished I put on some black high heels and left the lonely manor. I walked down the street for a few minutes until I met a carriage driver who drove me to the town's center. It was loud there, not nearly as loud as yesterday night, mostly just people chasing after squawking chickens and ducks or milking disturbed goats and cows. There was a smell of burnt wood hanging in the air as well as the stench of blood. I told the driver to stop and I hopped out. I saw Commodore Norrington, my father, and some guards standing around a small table, studying a chart. Why weren't they doing anything! My sister was out there somewhere, I didn't even know if she was still alive! The thought made me shiver, I shouldn't think like that. She is alive, she had to be. I was about to give them a piece of my mind, but someone beat to it. It was Will.

"They've taken her, they've taken Elizabeth." He stated,

"Mr. Murtogg, remove this man," Norrington answered, without taking his eyes off the chart. But Will shook the guard off.

"We have to hunt them down, we must save her." I felt a rush of gratitude towards Will, at least he cared for her safety as much as I did.

"And where do you suppose we start?" My father asked, slightly annoyed, "If you have any information concerning my daughter, please share it." Then Mr. Murtogg said.

"That Jack Sparrow, he talked about the Black Pearl." His companion then interrupted,

"Mentioned it, is more what he did." Yes! Jack Sparrow could tell us where the Black Pearl was heading, he could help save my sister. Will seemed to be thinking along the same lines as me.

"Ask him where it is. Make a deal with him. He can lead us to it."

"No... The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell ergo they are not his allies." Commodore Norrington replied, "Governor, we will establish their most likely course... " Will slammed the hatchet into the table, cutting the chart.

"That's not good enough!" He shouted, I had to agree. Norrington pulled the hatchet from the table, looking more than annoyed and turned to Will.

"Mr. Turner, you are not a military man, you are not a sailor. You are a blacksmith and this is not the moment for rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man who cares for Rosabelle's sister." He handed Will back his hatchet. Will glared at Norrington before he stormed off to the prison. I was about to follow him when I heard my father who said,

"Thank goodness, you're safe, Rosabelle."

"Yes, father." I responded. I wanted to yell and tell them that, yes I'm alright, but my sister might not of been so lucky. But I kept my cool as I am a lady and hurried after Will. He was at the prison door when I caught up to him.

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