Chapter Two

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2014 Copyright © A. M. Forest

All Rights Reserved

Magnolia's entrance into the Aztech Corporations building went rather unnoticed besides the nod she gave the security guard. Aztech Corp. was known to the public as the beacon of hope for technological advancement in medical practices throughout the world. To the underground, Aztech Corp. was an assassination and hunting firm of the human and vampire race. To Magnolia, it was her place of employment.

Once she stepped into the elevator, she slipped her keycard into the slot. It beeped before a hidden compartment slid open, revealing three more buttons. She pushed the last one.

As the doors closed, Magnolia's reflection stared back at her. She examined her 5'7" pale form, taking in the black v-neck t-shirt that clung to her chest and the fitted olive green cargo pants tucked into black combat boots. Her wavy red hair was longer on the left side than the right, chin-length bangs swept behind her ears, showing off the hoops that pierced the top corners of her small ears. Small nose, average lips, high cheekbones and dark hazel eyes that took all of this in. Magnolia quickly looked away.

The elevator dinged and she moved out into the empty corridor. Magnolia walked down the hallway until she reached the solid obsidian door that led to the Professor's office-slash-debriefing room.

When she opened the door, she moved to the right in a flash, dodging the bullet that was aimed for her forehead. Instead, the bullet embedded into the wall behind her with a resounding ping.

Standing with a loaded pistol aimed at Magnolia--glaring hatefully--was Agent Barton Jones.

"Now this is the welcome I was expecting last night," she taunted, unfazed by the gun. Magnolia shook her head in mock disappointment. "So you're willing to shoot a defenseless, weaponless woman point-blank for no reason other than the fact that she was chosen over you?" Magnolia made a tsk noise at him, meanwhile watching him like a hawk the entire time.

Agent Jones chuckled. "Weaponless? Yes, that you are. But you're far from defenseless, Haunt," he said, tightening his grip on the weapon, holding it like a lifeline.

She sighed dramatically. "Yes, I suppose you're right about the lack of defense. But, about the weapon situation—" She moved suddenly and kicked his arm up, causing him to lose his grip on the pistol. Using his shock to her advantage, she launched herself up and over him to catch the cold gunmetal in her hands as it came back down. Turning around, she aimed the pistol and a gloating smirk at the back of his head. "—that can easily change."

"Now, do you two always have to do this when I call Magnolia in for an assignment?" Professor Roger interjected, walking down the spiral staircase casually while ignoring the gun pointed at one of his best workers—next to Magnolia, of course.

Magnolia lowered the gun slowly, keeping her eyes on Jones the entire time. "As long as he continues to question my abilities," She looked at the Professor, a smile appearing on her face as she spoke, "yes, indeed we will."

The Professor shook his head and sat down on the chair directly opposite from them. "You may leave, Barton," he said, dismissing him with a simple flick of his hand.

"Yes, you may leave, Barton," Magnolia repeated as Jones turned to leave. "Oh wait, you forgot this." In one fluid movement, she released the magazine, removed the bullet in the chamber and ripped the slide off, disabling the gun. Magnolia then proceeded to throw the frame at his back. He glared over his shoulder, shooting daggers with his eyes.

The Professor shook his head again and looked through the files he had splayed out in front of him as he spoke. "Not going to add that to your collection?" There was a hint of a smile on his face, but he didn't look up.

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