Chapter Six

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2014 Copyright © A. M. Forest

All Rights Reserved

"We have a new member joining us, boys." Miss Macy announced, getting all the boys' attention. Behind the older woman stood a little girl with wild, red hair that reached her bottom. She was dressed in hand-me-down clothes that made her small form smaller. "Her name is Magnolia. You all be nice to her, you hear?"

"Yes, Miss Macy," came the monotone reply of the boys. It echoed in the large room that had been turned into a cafeteria.

"Now, go along, Magnolia, they ain't gonna bite." Miss Macy's southern accent rang throughout the room as she pushed the little girl along. When she was in full view of the boys, Miss Macy turned around and left the room, closing the doors behind her.

Magnolia looked around the room with scared eyes until they landed on Joseph and Leon. She stared at the pair for a long time before turning away and moved to a secluded corner where the rest of the boys forgot about her, the only girl of the orphanage.

It wasn't until a couple days later when Joseph decided to approach Magnolia who kept to herself the entire week, scaring off any boy who approached her.

It was there outside for play time that she met her first friend as she sat under a shady tree, her eyes closed as she listened to the chaos around her.

Joseph had spotted her and nudged Leon before walking in her direction.

"My name is Austin, but I go by Joseph." Was the first thing out of his mouth as he stretched out his hand to greet her.

She had her hair up today, her ponytail high and out of her face. She peeked up at him through one eye and sighed before closing it again. "The blonde from the first day-I know who you are." She leaned over to look at the much smaller boy hiding behind him. "I know the runt, too." She gestured with her hand to Leon.

Joseph patted Leon's curly head in comfort before sitting down. "How old are you?"

"Nine. And you?"

"Eleven. Leon is five." He offered as he gestured for Leon to sit as well.

The toddler sat cross legged in front of her and nodded. "I'll be six in five months." He held up four fingers before adjusting it to five after a quick count.

"Ah, the golden age," Magnolia said with wonder, looking at the treetops as if in a memory. "I wish I could go back."


Magnolia was running; running from what, she had no idea.

She had no weapon, no strength, and no courage. Only fear. Fear of whatever she was running from.

She looked back and saw nothing, but her instincts told her to keep running. When Magnolia turned back to face forward, she ran straight into a rock solid chest.

She looked up and saw the man from the bar. His smile was wicked and his eyes showed no mercy.

"Goodnight, Magnolia." He said before attacking.

She woke up with panic flowing through her veins. Magnolia quickly grabbed the gun under her pillow and aimed at the dresser right next to the bedroom door. After a quick sweep of the room, she looked towards the window and saw it was morning.

She took a deep breath as she lowered the gun and sighed. Closing her eyes, Magnolia slowly wiped one hand down her face. She was never good with dreams, let alone nightmares.

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