Chapter Five

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2014 Copyright © A. M. Forest

All Rights Reserved

The door slammed shut behind Magnolia as she pulled out one of her black hunting knives from the inside of her boot, flipping the knife into a hammer grip before moving further.

She took a step forward into the dark alley—it's always the dark alley—cautiously, noting the dead-end on her left before heading towards the street. On the right of her stood three large dumpsters that reeked of mildew, pipes going up the opposing building that spilled a mysterious liquid into the alley, and mice scraping in the garbage. Steam glided across the ground as she got closer to the opening, however it revealed nothing except that she was alone.

Magnolia sighed in disappointment before holstering the knife.

She was really looking forward to a good fight.

As she raised her hand to knock on the door, a firm grip landed on her shoulder. The person forcibly spun her around to face someone she'd never met.

Magnolia's gaze sharpened on his features, noticing soulless black eyes before anything else. He was several inches taller than her and he smiled at her brightly, confirming that he was a Nightwalker when she saw his fangs. He was dressed in nicer clothes—more high class compared to most of the attire in the club—wearing a black button down shirt, black dress pants, designer shoes; high threat.

Before she could reach into the holster again, he pushed her with overwhelming strength, slamming her into the wall next to the door.

Dizziness consumed her longer than she'd care to admit before he attacked again, punching her in the stomach. His fist was the only thing holding her against the wall as he leaned in close and yanked her head back by the hair using his free hand.

"You must be new around these parts. Care for a little fun?" the Nightwalker hissed before pulling her head back further, to nuzzle her throat. " that French vanilla I smell? Quite a contrast to this disgusting alley," he licked under her chin, "Yes, you will be a delightful dessert for the evening." She detected an English accent as she reached down into her boot..

Finally being able to feel the handle, she hissed out, "Sorry, I'm not on the menu."

Quick as a viper she struck, startling him back a few steps before swinging the knife again. In a fluid motion, she kicked him square in the chest before going into close combat mood. With each swing, her slices got deeper along his chest and arms, tearing through his shirt.

But, he was faster than she had anticipated. With his inhuman strength, he punched her square in the jaw, stunning Magnolia long enough to land a kick to her side.

She stumbled as he swung a clawed hand at her, tearing through the sleeve and chest of the dress, making her back several steps. She swiftly rubbed away the blood from her chest before glaring at him.

"Who are you?" No one has been able to lay a finger on her in several months, and he managed to inflict damage multiple times.

He wiped his nose with a chuckle, ignoring her question. "You aren't as easy as you appeared to be," He tilted his head as his wounds healed. "Definitely not as easy as the others," his smile grew taunting, showing off his sharp fangs.

They began to circle each other. "So you killed the other three hunters?"

He smirked; everything about his demeanor taunted her. "It was my gift to them." He gloated.

Magnolia took out her other knife, ready to attack. A small smile appeared on her lips as she took in her opponent once more. She was starting to enjoy herself.

"Well, here is my present to you." She growled before lunging at him.


"You're an idiot," Magnolia said simply, looking at Joseph's beaten up face as he sat on her black leather couch.

He moved the ice pack away from his face to glare at her. "You told me to give you a five minute head-start." He half-shrugged, and then grimaced at the pain when he moved.

She loosely grabbed the arm belonging to his dislocated shoulder. "I'm going to have to pop it back in." Magnolia stated, looking at him for confirmation.

He nodded quickly.

"On three..." She began, getting herself into the right position as she watched him brace himself. "One,"


"AHHH!" He screamed, pushing his face into the couch cushions to muffle the rest of the scream.

When he finally relaxed, he spoke up. "You...said three!" He gasped. She watched as sweat built up on his brow above his blackening eye.

She looked over his bruised cheek and pushed the ice pack back to his face before turning around to look over the medical supplies on her coffee table. "You know, I think you should learn how to ignore me sometimes."

She grabbed the sling and tenderly put his arm in it, watching him wince at the pain it caused him to move it, before turning to her own wounds. The cuts the Nightwalker gave her across her chest were already healing and with a quick shower and some hydrogen peroxide, they would be gone by morning, along with the purple bruise she knew blossomed on her jawline.

"If you didn't jump in front of me, the assailant wouldn't have slammed you into the wall and floor."

He cringed, "Well, I thought you needed help..."

Right after Magnolia lunged at the creature, Agent Austin Dumbass Joseph decided that was the perfect time to come out into the alley, gun drawn in hand as she'd told him, calling out her name.

She glared at the injured Dumbass in question; she had the vampire right where she wanted him when Joseph had jumped directly in front of her to stupidly 'protect' her just as the vampire lunged at Magnolia at the same exact time, causing the Nightwalker to slam into the brittle human.

Strength was a major factor in vampire hunting, and Joseph didn't have the strength necessary to withstand the blow. With Magnolia's attention on the unconscious agent, the Nightwalker took the chance to get away, leaving with her name and an idea of what he's up against.

As she examined Joseph's bruised and bloodied face, her glare softened to a frown. Magnolia found herself pushing a stray blonde curl off his forehead to catch his attention.

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