Chapter Seven

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2014 Copyright © A. M. Forest

All Rights Reserved

Magnolia ignored the fluttering feelings it gave her and turned around with a glare aimed at the mystery man. Up close she could see that his curls were more of a chocolate instead of the dark brown she originally thought.

"Ahh, that glare still stains your beautiful face." He remarked, a twinkle in his swirling hazel-blue eyes that she didn't like.

She raised an eyebrow at the flirtatious comment as she continued to glare at him. "Do you mind giving me my glass back?"

A devilish smile appeared on his face. "Certainly," he said before downing the shot and handing her back the empty glass. He swallowed it down slowly as he looked back at her, his adam's apple bobbing as he did so, while she stared at him in disbelief. "You did say the glass, after all." he quipped.

She nearly crushed the empty glass in anger. "How dare you. Not only did you take my glass of away, but you had the audacity to DRINK it!" She growled, fuming in the stool.

His cocky smirk grew wider. "This is our second encounter in two days, and I still don't know the name of this red-headed beauty in front of me." He remarked, ignoring her comment.

"I—what?" Magnolia said, caught off guard by his statement. She was completely prepared to shout out many profanities if he went on the topic of 'you said the glass' again, but hearing that had spun her for a loop.

He looked at her expectantly as he spoke, "What is your name, Red-headed Beauty?"

She gaped at him at his bluntness.

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

"My name is Magnolia Haunt," she finally answered, sticking out her hand for him to shake out of curtesy.

"Jeremiah Siren, at your service," He said as he brought it to his lips for a light kiss.

The gesture sent a blush to her cheeks before she cleared her throat and pulled her hand out of his. You are too old to be letting your emotions get the better of you. She scolded herself.

It had been a very long time since someone made her blush.

Magnolia turned back to John the bartender, tapping the glass for a refill. He stared at her wearily before he nodded and refilled the glass. She quickly snatched it up when he handed it back to her, and downed the drink in one gulp, keeping her eyes on this Jeremiah Siren dude as she did so.

"So, where are you from? I'd think I'd remember a pretty name and face like yours if you've lived here as long as I have." He asked, leaning on the counter next to her on his elbow to give her the full force of his hazeled-gaze.

She sighed, "I grew up in Florida. The hot weather, ocean breeze, and yellow sand are all that I remember, though." Magnolia had thought about lying, but lies were so hard to keep, especially when she planned to see him again. Besides, she had already told him her name. "I eventually moved to the country side of New York and got a job that has me traveling a lot. I ended up here on an assignment."

His head perked up at her last sentence. "What kind of assignment?"

"People related." she stated simply after asking for another shot.

"How people related?"

"Why so curious?" Magnolia asked harshly slamming the empty glass on the counter.

"Why so serious?" He replied in the same manner.

Magnolia stared at him for a minute as a chuckle slipped from her lips before she could stop it. "So we're quoting the Joker now?" she said, still giggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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