Chapter 17

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Dedication:  imurd3stiny because you're rad! Thank you , and keep your head up!

Chapter 17

There were many days in the skinny boy house that were completely unspectacular in every way. I mean, at some point, we seemed to fall into a routine. Don't get me wrong; it wasn't a bad thing. In some ways, those days were the dearest to my heart. The simplicity of it all gave me solace; there was a serenity in the mundane.

The monotony brought a clarity that made me stop to appreciate the extraordinary moments that slipped through the cracks. Winter had been fast approaching, yet on a unusually warm morning, one of those moments appeared.

Like any other day, we filed into the kitchen for lunch; however, this time, things were different. The ingredients were laid out in a sort of stations. Ruth danced between them, setting tools out. When she glanced up from her work, she noticed us and smiled instantaneously.

"Welcome, boys," she chimed. Her tone was much chipper than normal. "Sit at the table while I finish up in here."

"What's going on," Geoffrey asked as he pulled out a chair and sat. I sat down as well, and Steven followed shortly after.

Ruth finished what she was doing and stood at the head of the table. "This year is coming to a close. In just a few months, you will all be evaluated one last time to determine if you will be given our approval for discharged from the clinic."

Geoffrey sighed deeply. "What happens if we don't get your approval, huh?"

Ruth stood silently for a moment then smiled. "Well, without our approval, we have to recommend that you stay another year in our program, and if your parents would like to move you to another program, we offer that information to them as well," she fell silent for another moment, but added, "Though, to be honest with you boys, I don't hold a doubt in my mind that the three of you will reach our expectations."

"Come on, Ruth," Steven joked, "don't go getting all sentimental on us this late in the game. It's too late to try to convince us that you aren't a wicked witch."

"I agree," Geoffrey added. "You missed the mark to make us think you're actually capable of human emotion."

Ruth laughed loudly. "Just keep it a secret from your parents, ok? I can't have them thinking that I'm going easy on you all."

We all shared a laugh before Ruth spoke one more. "We're getting off track. I wanted today to be special for you boys, and I can't think of anything better than giving you information and hand-on experience for bettering your lives after your time here."

"We just got out of class, Ruth," I groaned. "My brain can't handle anymore information."

"Yeah, his head might explode," Geoffrey playfully mocked.

I stuck out my tongue at him.

"With all the head exploding aside," Ruth began, "I truly believe that you all will enjoy what I have planned for you." She went on, "I want each of you to at least have a basic knowledge of cooking and preparing food for yourselves."

"No offense, Ruth, but I do not cook," Geoffrey stated.

Ruth's smile grew. "Well, today, you do."

The stations were broken into three groups. We were each assigned a station and each station was a part of the meal. Geoffrey was assigned the baked chicken, Steven took charge over sauteing vegetables and making brown rice, and I was given the desert.

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