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After getting weird looks and stares from Henry, he finally started to warm up to me. He started speaking instead of staring, being kind instead of creepy, and got to know me as I got to know him.

Apparently, he came from 'down under', but he hides his Australian accent soo well, I wouldn't have ever guessed. He never knew his mother, and his father seems to be nice from what I hear. He has an older brother who's a bit mean though, and doesn't like to talk about him.

He has a job, and a rather crappy one it sounds like. He has to show up every day before school starts, and goes right after school ends too. His boss is always on his ass, and even expects him to do his job of work.

We've gotten really close over the week... Well, as close as you possibly can over a week. We sit by one another in lunch (he sits on my left. Nick always sits on my right), and he even walks me to Nicks car after school.

I don't think Henry likes Nick too well... He's always glaring at him, and he tries not to blow up when I'm with him. Maybe he's jealous? No. I've only known him a week, and plus, Alice called dibs. Even if I liked Henry, I couldn't date him.

... Not that I want to. Im too crazy over Nick anyway.

So, it's a normal Wednesday in the quiet town of Keller Texas, and it's the exact same as last Wednesday. And last Tuesday. And every day I have had school.

In English class I finish early and start doodling and daydreaming, my thoughts wandering as I just draw squiggles on my piece of paper. Thinking about what were going to eat today, what homework I have to do, my dreams-

"What are you doing?" Henry sits beside me and looks at my doodles as I sigh.

"Doodling, thinking, bored out of my mind" I say before he points out a random doodle.

"Did you draw this?" He asks.

I look at it and nod. Its odd though. I've drawn that in all my doodles and pictures and never thought twice about it, but he's acting like I just told him I shit rainbows and puppy dogs for the queen of England.

He gives me a smirk before looking at my doodles again, and that smirk gave me chills. Not the good kind of chills. The kind of chills you get when you hear about a murder on the radio.

I look over at him again before taking back my paper. "I've drawn that as far as I remember, so don't think much of it. I probably saw it one day when I was younger..." I crumple up the paper.

"Wait!" He stops me from throwing it away. "Can I have it?" He asks, watching me with his big, brown eyes.

I sigh and give it to him. What could he possibly do? Its doodles.

He takes it and stuffs it into his pocket before watching me carefully.

Original, creepy Henry is back.

So this goes on all day... What happened to the kind, speaking Henry? Was it something I said? Did I do something to insult him? I hope not....

Anyways, it's Wednesday, so that means band stays after school to practice. As I get my bassoon together, I look over my shoulder to see Henry outside, talking to some creepy old guy.

The creepy old guy looks like he's maybe 70 years old, 6'11", and he's wearing a tuxedo. His skin couldn't get any paler. Talk about looking at death.

As I watch them, I notice them pointing up to the doors. Maybe Henry is trying to get away from him? Maybe Henry is in trouble.

I open the door, careful to keep one foot in as I lean out. "You okay Henry?" I call out, watching the old man as they turn to look at me.

Here I thought Henry was creepy. He has nothing on this freakshow, especially when he smiles.

Henry walks up to me and throws his arm around me. "Speak of the devil, she's right here." He says to the old man, bringing me away from the safety of the door and to the pale man.

He smiles a wide, toothy grin. "Hello, my dear Belle." His voice sounds like melting butter, surprisingly. "I've heard so much about you from my...." he glares at Henry for a moment before smiling back at me. "Nephew."

I smile, relieved. "Oh, you're his uncle." I reach out my hand to shake his hand. As he grabs mine, I blurt out, "I'm sorry, I thought you were some kind of pervert or pedophile coming to rape Henry." I go pale. Why did I just say that....?

He gives a deep chuckle. "Don't fret, miss Belle, it wouldn't be the first time someone has said that to me." He pulls his hand away, watching me closely. Creepiness must run in the family.

Henry smiles at me. "My uncle loves listening about my day, so he hears everything about you too."

Henry's uncle leans in close, too close for my comfort. "I love listening to my nefews day, and hearing that he has a friend just makes my day...." He grins and inhales deeply.

Did he just sniff me...?

I try taking a step back, but Henry is right behind me, blocking my path from running away. "Where are you going, Belle Newbold?" Henry asks, his usual brown eyes glowing red from the sun glaring off them.

"H- How do you know my last name? I never told you it...." I try shoving him off me, but I can't manage to break free.

He just chuckles. "You'll find out soon enough, Belle." I turn to look at the old man just before he puts a rag over my face that reeks of a disgusting stench, but I can't seem to fight it. I just slowly relax... The old man's face burned into my mind.

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