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That's how this shit started. Neggie and my first, as Neggie likes to call it, "Transformation". I still do not understand how Phelos and Gavner and all of my friends still looked human to everyone, but I for some fucked up reason, was 100% noticeable by everyone.

Phelos tried helping me hide my appearance by getting me a hoodie, but my horns just poked a hole right through them. I tried hard not to smile, but I always forgot and flashed my fangs at everyone who could see. Also, everyone noticed my black hair! What is this bullshit???

By the time school ended, everyone knew of my transformation. I was the talk of the school, and not to mention some kids insulting me by saying shit like "Oh, She's faking it for more attention". Bitch! Does it look like I want to be seen as a freak?!

Thankfully, Alice and Jasmine walked me home and made sure I was alright. But when my mom saw me, everything went from bad,

to worse.

"Belle!" She gasped when she saw me. "What the Hell did you do to your hair? Are those horns??" I open my mouth to explain, but she gasps again. "Fangs too??? Is this a joke?! We are a Cristian family! If you think you can dress up like that and not get in t-"

"Mom!" I finally yell. "Listen! I didn't do this!" I yell, tears falling down my cheeks. "I-I don't know what is going on..." I whimper sadly, shaking.

"Take those off and we can talk, okay?" She says, her voice still stern, but a bit softer.

"I can't ma!" I whimper a bit as she tugs on them. "They aren't fake mom..." I watch her sadly.

She steps back, her eyes flaring. "Get out. Get out get out get out!" She starts yelling. "You are not my daughter! I told Frank we shouldn't have adopted you!" She yells, her eyes filled with hate and fear.

I just stand there, in disbelief. "A.... Adopted?" I ask. I didn't want to believe it.

"You had to of known! Now get out you foul Monster!" She yells as I run out of the house and into the street.

I pull out my phone and call Alice, crying like a baby. When she finally picks up, I had fallen to my knees in agony. "A-Alice..." I cry, shaking.

"Hey Honey. Are you okay?" She asks, her tone worrisome.

"M-Mom kicked me o-out...." I cry, shivering as the sun gets covered by a dark, menacing cloud.

I hear Alice get up quickly. "Where are you? I am on my way."

I tell her my location and hang up, waiting for her.

After a bit, I hear a whistle. "You okay there?" I look up to see a beautiful sight.

I smile softly. "Nick... How did you know I was here?" I ask, wiping my tears.

"I always manage to find those in need." He helps me up. "Let me guess. Your mom?"


"I am an angel, Belle." He smirks softly, pulling me close. "Your angel."

I blush softly. "N-Nick?" I ask. This is soo unlike him... but I like it.

He snickers a deep, throaty chuckle, his breath warming me up. "Want to go for a fly?" He whispers softly in my ear.

I nod softly, wrapping my arms around Nick. He's soo warm....

I watch him as he unfurls his long, beautiful, white, fluffy wings, and lightly flaps them. Wind rushes around us as he slowly ascends. I hold on tighter to him, giggling.

"Hold on, Miss Belle!" He shoots up, making air slice past us.

I hold on and scream a happy scream as if I were on a rollercoaster. Wind rushes past us at an unbelievable rate, making my hair fly into my face. I feel Nick hold me tighter as he accelerates more. I giggle, hiding my face into his stark white shirt. I feel his nice, toned chest on my face, and his thick, protective arms around me. I fit perfectly into him, and I always thought I would. My heart flutters inside of me as I close my eyes, taking in his sweet smell of roses. I look back up at his face to see his once blonde hair is now a platinum white, and a white halo hovering over his beautiful head. I giggle softly, making him look down at me. He gives a small smirk, then slowly stops right above the clouds, keeping his arms around me as he stares deep into my eyes.

"Heh... That's odd." He says softly, looking behind me.

"What?" I ask and look behind me to see a tiny little black wing. I yelp, pulling myself closer into Nick as if it was a dragon hell bent on eating me.

He chuckles. "Calm down Belle. I think its cute." He says, looking back at my eyes softly.

I give a small laugh, then look back at them. I tense up a bit and try to stretch it out.

"Belle, Relax. Flying requires your whole body to be relaxed." He says, flapping his huge wings a little bit.

I nod and take a breath. I feel his rhythm, his warmth, and his longing gaze. I look back at him and relax.

"There you go!" He smiles. "You're a natural, Belle!"

I look back and smile, seeing my tiny wings flap in rhythm with Nicks. "Hey.. This is actually kind of nice." I look back at Nick to see him letting me go. I yelp and fall a bit, before catching myself. I look down at the white, fluffy clouds and smile. "I... I'm flying!" I laugh and fly up to Nick in odd, rickety patterns.

He chuckles, taking my hand. "Almost." He says, leaning in close, kissing distance.

I smile and whisper softly. "I... I think I like you, Nick."

He smiles more and closes the distance, kissing me.

I of course kiss back. Don't judge. I've had a crush on him since forever. Him being an angel is just a bonus for me.

 We kiss for what feels like forever, my body fitting perfect with his. Nothing could feel better then this.

He finally breaks the kiss. "Belle..." He whispers in my ear. "Do you want to spend the night at my house.

Of course I am thinking "Oh hell yes!"

I say "S-Sure"


Nick lives in a small house on the edge of town. Not many lights, not many people around. It is the perfect spot for an angel to live, I think.

As we walk in, I am hit by the strong scent of sulfur. I cough a bit, then look back at Nick.

He gives the cutest smile ever. "Sorry. Old house. One day it smells like sulfur, the next day it smells like ocean, the next day it just plain out smells like shit."

I smile and reach up to kiss his cheek.

He chuckles. "Go get some sleep, Belle. We have school tomorrow."

I groan. "Do we have to? People already see me as a freak..." I whimper.

He leans over and kisses my forehead. "Bed Belle. Now."

I groan and turn into a tiny room that I have to just assume is his room.

I am correct.

I jump onto his bed and cough as dust flies up. "Do you ever sleep?" I ask, making note of how probably no one has slept in this bed for years.

He doesn't answer.

I get up "Nick?" I go to the door and peek out.

He isn't in there, so I go to the door and gently open it and peek out, to see Nick talking to someone who looks like Henry... A gargoyle.

"She's falling asleep. Give her a moment." Nick says.

"I Don't care. I have direct orders from the king." The gargoyle protests.

Nick groans. "Look. I got her wings to form, and she's falling for me." He says angrily. "I never agreed to be in a relationship with that thing in there."

What...? Nick doesn't like me..?

The gargoyle groans, then spots me. "Shit. She's awake"

Uh oh.

I rush back inside to run out the back door, but I am blocked by another Gargoyle.

"You're not going anywhere."

I gasp as it knocks me out, leaving me to see darkness.

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