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Monday morning.

As I park my car and get out, I'm greeted with the usual "Hey Belle!" from my friends Jasmine and Alice

I walk over to them and smile as they let me in on the local chatter. The breakups, the get togethers, and even the fights. The same girl is involved in all of them.


God I hate Rebecca. She's a stuck up snob who gets everyone pissed off and has a new boyfriend every week. She'll steal other girls boyfriends and even some boys girlfriends. I have no idea how she does it, but she does. The siren of Keller High School, in lonely Keller TX.

The reason I hate her isn't important. What is important is that I hate her and there's a burning pit in my heart where dreams that one day she'll be put in the lowest level of Hell and burn for the rest of her afterlife....

But who's keeping a grudge? Not me. I just paste on a smile and be the higher person, and be kind. It burns, but I still do it.

As I walk into the school, deep in my thoughts, I bump into a wall.

Nope. Not a wall. A chest in a pink shirt.

Nick. The school hottie that wastes his time with me and my friends and somehow manages to repel the sirens sexy spell, even though she always tries to get him.

He picks me up in a death hug, squeezing the life out of me as if I was a bug threatening his family's lives.

He drops me as I gasp and fall over as if I was dead. He quickly joins back in, pretending to kick me and then puts his foot on my chest, pumping his fists in the air.

I laugh and tap his foot. "Okay Nick! I give! Oh, have mercy!" I beg in a distressed voice and laugh as he helps me up.

"How's my Belle?" He asks as he messes up my hair and throws his arm around me.

I huff "Nick! Not cool! Do you know how long it took me to fix my hair!?" I complain as he smiles.

"Five minutes?"

I think. "Sounds about right" I say, and head to the best classroom ever.

The band hall.

It's my 2nd home, all of my friends are there almost all the time, even on weekends.

As I walk in, I'm greeted by all the familiar faces and sounds. An instrument strumming or drumming here, laughing or goofing there, and my group of friends right in the middle. As I look around, I smile at every detail about them.

Jasmine. My friend since kindergarten. We were the Disney princesses together, Belle and Jasmine, inseparable. She has short dark hair and a cute little face, just like those cute little Indian girls.

Alice. My crazy friend I met not even a year ago. She likes to party and look at cute guys all the time. I can definitely poor my heart out to her. She's really short, any shorter and she'd legally be a midget.

Nick. Tall. Probably about 6' tall. We call him moose due to his resemblance to Sam on Supernatural. Though I'd say more season 6 then more recently.

Then there's Henry. He's new to our group, and I don't like him. He's.... Different. Not the good kind of different either. Like he's hiding something, but I don't say anything. Alice likes him and I won't say anything to drive him away.

I sit down in our small group and lean on Nick. I've had a crush on him since I met Jasmine, but I've been terrified to admit it.

We usually show up really early so we can talk before school starts, and it's my favorite part of the day, but Henry has been watching me ever since he joined our group. Even with Alice up his ass, he still watches me. He's soo awkward and annoying. I try to ignore him, but I always feel his gaze burning into me.

After what feels like no time at all, the bell rings. My first period is band anyway, so I usually watch my friends depart, only this time, Henry doesn't leave.

I watch him for a moment before smiling. "Hey Henry. You lost? I know you're new here and all, do you need-"

He cuts me off, his gaze never leaving mine. "My first period is band." he says rather quickly, before adding "I-I'm learning the trumpet." He says, before going quiet.

I give another awkward smile. "Awesome. I hope you enjoy it." I say before departing.

I feel his gaze burn into my back for a while longer as I get my bassoon. (I've always been a bass kind of girl.) After a bit, he finally gets his trumpet together and I don't think twice about it.

After band I have physics, in which Nick usually walks me to, but Henry just had to get between us.

Is this guy for real!?

I sigh and let him though, knowing the new kid always needs a new friend when they come... But he joins me in my physics class too.

Then after that, my english.

Then history.

All of my classes. He's in all of my classes. This guy has been in school for a week, and he had his schedule changed to be in all of my classes. Am I being stalked!? In all of my classes, I can feel his eyes burn into me, as if he were examining me.

Ew. No. Let's not use the term examining.

Let's use.... Stalking. Even stalking is less creepy than examining.

Finally, when the bell rings, I rush out, praying that I'll escape from freaky Henry to find Nick and let him drive me home, and thank God it works.

Once I hop in his car and he drives off, my day goes on as normally as it usually does.

I guess Henry isn't too bad... He's creepy, but he'll relax soon enough. It is nice having an unfamiliar face around. Its....


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