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I peek open an eye, trying to see where the fuck I am. All I see is stone, rocks, and more rocks.

"Hurry up and contact his highness. The more you make him wait, the more of a reason you give him to kill you." I hear a very,, very familiar voice.

"N-Nick...?" I ask, groaning.

"Ah." I look up to see the man I've had a crush on for many years... and it doesn't look like him at all. "Good morning, beauty." He kneels down to me. His once white hair now a jet black, his pure wings now ripped and torn and filthy... his halo broken. "Ready to meet daddy?"

"Nick... I thought..." I try getting up, but I feel ropes around my wrists, ankles, and wings.

"Okay. I am done with that disgusting, mortal name." He takes my face into his hand roughly, his red eyes glaring into mine. "My name is Nickoli. Not Nick." He spats into my face before shoving me back into the dirt.

"But..." I look up at him. "I thought you were an angel..."

He laughs a menacing chuckle. "Ever hear of Lucifer?" He glances back at me with one red eye. "Right hand man to Satan? Your daddy?" He looks directly at me. "I'm Lucifer's son."

I gulp, and start struggling. "Let me go!" I whimper in protest. "I Don't want to meet my fucking dad!" I spat, managing to sit on my butt.

He smirks back at me. "Too bad, sugar muffin."

I shiver. "Don't call me that, Nick."

He groans. "Nickoli, honey bun. And why not? If all goes well, Your daddy will marry you off to me and I will be king of Hell!" He laughs.

I gulp. "Marry me to you?!? I wouldn't marry you." I look away. "Nick maybe, but I will not marry Nickoli. My dad cannot make me do shit!"

He glares at me. "We'll see."

"Nickoli, sir. We've made contact." I hear someone shout.

"Perfect" Nickoli says, then picks me up. "Ready to meet daddy?"

I struggle as he cuts the rope from my feet. 'I have to do something...' I think, before biting his ear.

He screams, but holds on tighter. "Let go you little cunt!" He yells and I clamp down harder. He drops me and pulls away, causing me to rip off his ear in my mouth.

I grunt, hitting the ground hard, but not as hard as Nickoli. He screams, holding his bloody ear hole.

"wholly fuck..." I whisper before getting up and running in the opposite direction.

"Get her!!!" I hear Nickoli scream out as many footsteps trail behind me.

"Shit. Oh god Shit fuck!!" I whimper, scrambling over rocks and holes, trying hard to stay up tall due to my restricted arms and wings. I look back to see different species of demons follow me, all gaining quickly. "Shit fuck!" I whimper, then look forward just in time to stop. Right in front of me was a cliff that no doubt would have killed me. I look back to see demons block my every exit, except for the cliff. "Shit fuck..."

A demon approaches me. "Miss Queen, please come with-"

I jump off before he finishes. "Please please please...." I pray to God for some kind of "Transformation" to help me. Just as I finish praying, I feel something odd about my fingers. "Yes! Claws!" I cut the ropes around my wrists and then the ones around my back right before I hit the rocks.

I spread my wings and flap hard to avoid sudden death. I pant as I finally stop myself. "Shit that was close..."

I look up to see Demons slowly flying after me. "Fucking Shit!" I yell, before flying off straight ahead, getting cut by rocks, stones, and other obstacles in my path. I look back to see how much distance they have gained on me, but I don't even see them anymore.

I stop where I am and pant. "Fucking shit...." I wince, feeling how tired I really am. I look around for shelter. "C'mon...." I continue flying to look for some kind of shelter. When I finally find a cave overlooking the water, I fly in and just collapse.

I pull myself in deeper, fearing they might find me. As I do so, I think of all this Shit I've been through. I became a monster, I am hated by my mo- uhm... The lady who raised me, and my childhood crush is the devils right hand man's son. I curl up, hugging my knees tightly, as sleep comes over me.


I am awoken by a sharp pain to my side. ' Shit. Shit they found me!' I think as I jump up. "Get away!" I scream, lashing out into the darkness and making contact with flesh.

"Ow!" I hear a ladies voice. "What's your problem?" I look up to see a shark...? With hair?

"Look. I don't want to meet that man!" I whimper. "I don't care if he's my father! Fuck off!"

"What? Girlie, I don't know what you're talking 'bout." she says, then huffs. "This is what I get for helpin." she says, then starts walking away.

"Wait!" I whimper as she turns around. "You... Don't care about my dad?"

She laughs. "Should I?"

I smile softly. "What's your name?" I ask.

She smiles softly. "Holly. Holly Hammerhead."

I giggle softly, then cringe.

"Oh honey. Are you one of those vampire people?" she asks. "Cuz you still have some of that blood on your face."

I gasp and look into a puddles reflection. "Oh god..." my muddy black hair is hideous and my horns have gotten longer and started curving around. Blood was plastered on my mouth as my fangs are now too visible for my liking. As I examine my crude appearance, I continuously think one awful thought.

"I AM Satan's daughter...."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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